
Maciek is a polar fox who, in September, was rescued from a fur farm by activists from Otwarte Klatki (Open Cages Poland).

Since he was rescued, Maciek has been living in a home sanctuary where he’s loved and taken care of. Even though he lost his paw due to his previous owners’ negligence, he’s been enjoying his life outside of the fur farm and just being his sassy little self.

This year, Maciek experienced snow for the first time. And his reaction was simply heartwarming!

Photos are by Andrew Skowron from Otwarte Klatki.

The Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus), also known as the white fox, polar fox, or snow fox, is a small fox native to the Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere and common throughout the Arctic tundra biome. It is well adapted to living in cold environments, and is best known for its thick, warm fur that is also used as camouflage.

It has a large and very fluffy tail. In the wild, most individuals do not live past their first year but some exceptional ones survive up to 11 years. Its body length ranges from 46 to 68 cm (18 to 27 in), with a generally rounded body shape to minimize the escape of body heat.

Arctic foxes must endure a temperature difference of up to 90–100 °C (160–180 °F) between the external environment and their internal core temperature.To prevent heat loss, the Arctic fox curls up tightly tucking its legs and head under its body and behind its furry tail. This position gives the fox the smallest surface area to volume ratio and protects the least insulated areas.

Arctic foxes also stay warm by getting out of the wind and residing in their dens. Although the Arctic foxes are active year-round and do not hibernate, they attempt to preserve fat by reducing their locomotor activity. They build up their fat reserves in the autumn, sometimes increasing their body weight by more than 50%. This provides greater insulation during the winter and a source of energy when food is scarce.

Arctic foxes generally eat any small animal they can find, including lemmings, voles, other rodents, hares, birds, eggs, fish, and carrion. They scavenge on carcasses left by larger predators such as wolves and polar bears. In areas where they are present, lemmings are their most common prey, and a family of foxes can eat dozens of lemmings each day. In some locations in northern Canada, a high seasonal abundance of migrating birds that breed in the area may provide an important food source.

Responses to "Arctic Fox saved from a fur farm sees snow for the first time in his life"

  1. Morgana says:

    Just adorable and sweet my poor baby, forget about the past romp in show.

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