
Alexey Sedoy is a former officer in the Russian Special Forces. For the last two years, he has been living a solitary life in his very own private sanctuary in the middle of the woods, devoted to the care and saving of young moose.

Although he does not wish to reminisce about the war of his past, he has found himself in the midst of a very different kind of war, a clear and present war that fills his life every single day.

A war against poachers who have killed five out of every 11 baby moose. With the generous help of kind and caring people, Alexey has been able to raise funds for the construction of a security fence around part of the park to protect the endangered moose.

Alexey’s undying dream and ultimate goal is to build a well-protected sanctuary and rescue center for wild animals where people from all over the world can visit and admire these strong and magnificent animals. And as he says: “There are no impossible tasks”. But he needs help—physical and financial.

Meanwhile, no matter the day of the week or whether it is the weekend or a holiday, come winter, rain or snow, Alexey is dedicated to the work of tending to and caring for the baby moose, whether it is preparing their milk, cutting and clearing branches, or anything that the baby moose may require.

Taking on the task of having to feed the baby moose every four hours for 16 to 18 hours a day, Alexey understands that without this type of attention and care, the baby moose will not survive. It is with courage and love that Alexey has taken on the role of mother, father, or guardian and protector of these beautiful animals.

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For the last two years, he has been living a solitary life in his very own private sanctuary in the middle of the woods, devoted to the care and saving of young moose. He is fighting a war against poachers who have killed 5 out of every 11 baby moose.

Alexey’s undying dream and ultimate goal is to build a well-protected sanctuary and rescue center for wild animals.


Responses to "The Life Of A Lone Former Soldier Saving Animals From Poachers"

  1. Unknown says:

    What a beautiful soul.

  2. neache says:

    This world needs more like this man, wished I could live his life, but my age does not permit it, where can one donate to his efforts.

  3. Anonymous says:

    How does one contact Alexey sedoy,to possibly help and donate to his cause ?

  4. CADEL GABLE says:

    I would like to donate funds to help make his dream come true. Has anyone set up a contribution site?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Wonderful man

  6. Unknown says:

  7. Unknown says:

    A very special man, who as I, loves animals. WE need more people like this man who is a treasure to the wild life that face execution by those who seem to enjoy killing animals for sport. I am against it, and it should be against the law.

  8. I enjoyed reading your blog thanks

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