
As quarantines roll out in a number of countries, people often bury themselves in movies, social media drama or a good book.

While taking a walk outside is encouraged by some governments (as long as a distance from other people is maintained), a lot of people completely forget about the outer world.

Well, nature, however, does its thing nonetheless and people are noticing an unexpected outcome of the quarantine. In countries like Japan, Italy, and Thailand, people observed animals roaming the streets due to human absence.

Like in Japan, where deer that are local to Nara Park were observed taking to the streets in search of food. Usually, the park is swarming with tourists, as the Sika deer living there are a local attraction.

Tourists would usually buy crackers sold at the park meant specifically to feed the deers, however as the number of visitors plummeted in recent weeks, the deer seem to have no choice but to wander out of their territory to find something to munch on.

Plenty of photos and videos of the deer roaming the streets of Nara emerged, with people responding either in shock or awe. Twitter user okadennis who posted a number of shots of the deer reported finding the whole occasion amusing.

People in Nara, Japan reported seeing deer that usually stay in the park roam out onto the streets

Hundreds of monkeys in #Lopburi, central #Thailand, fight over a single banana after #coronavirus caused a huge drop in the number of tourists who would normally feed them.

Naturally, the country with over 30k cases and a severe lockdown in place, Italy, also observed a similar phenomenon. Numerous accounts of various animals (like sheep, boars and a horse!) wandering the streets appeared on Italian social media. Most of the people who posted their observances were pretty amused with the situation despite the tedious circumstances surrounding it.

Another Italian reported another animal on the loose: “In my hometown, a random horse appears”

A fellow Italian responded with a picture of sheep roaming the streets

Scene from the town of Zakopane, Poland. Due to residents staying indoors, the streets have been taken over by deer 

You can watch a Japanese news feature on the Nara Park deer invading the city in the video

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