
These heroic Samoan fire crew after fighting the fires in California take the time to sing their traditional song and is a sight to see.

About a dozen American Samoa crew members performed their ritual beside a Cal Fire helicopter in the mountains near Fort Bragg.

Drew Rhoads posted the video to Facebook Sunday night and most comments praise the men for their hardwork battling the wildfires.

Samoans were renown through the Pacific for their seafaring culture and thus was named the Navigator Islands by the first European visitors upon witnessing first hand the Samoan people's seafaring skills.

The Samoan people and culture form a vital link and stepping stone in the formation and spread of the Polynesian culture, language and religion throughout Eastern Polynesia.

A Polynesian culture of trade, religion, war, colonialism are important identifying markers within the Polynesian culture that almost certainly formed its roots within the Samoan culture.

Samoa's colonial history with the kingdom of Tonga, Fiji and French Polynesia forming the impases for what is the modern Polynesian cultural marker points.

Responses to "Samoan fire crew after fighting the fires in California sing their traditional song"

  1. Unknown says:

    So powerful and beautiful to watch. This fire fighters should we have here in Sweden

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