
This video posted on the Santuario Compasion Animal Facebook page of a donkey named Pippin getting showered with kisses by his caretaker is the sweetest thing you’ll see all day!

The connection between these two is undeniable, and the story behind it will make your heart melt.

Pippin came from a life of abuse. He spent 12 years void of any love, care, or affection of any kind. As the video caption states, “Pippin is discovering that there are hands that instead of hit, caress and mouths that instead of shouting, give kisses.”

That is why his caretaker Alberto wants to make sure this precious boy knows without a doubt that he is worthy of all the kisses in the world.

We can’t imagine what Pippin went through in the past, but we can be excited for what he has to look forward to – a safe, loving, forever home full of all the kisses he could ever want. It looks like Pippin isn’t shy about giving kisses either!

As you can see, farm animals are not much different from your pets at home. They are affectionate, intelligent, and social animals – they also have their own preferences, dislikes, and personalities! Like Pippin, all beings seek happiness.

Compassion is not something that should be directed at only certain species but to all living things.


Responses to "Donkey Who Spent 12 Years Being Abused Thanks His Rescuer With Endless Kisses"

  1. Unknown says:

    That man is a hero! I am thrilled for the donkey….really!!

  2. Diana says:

    How absolutely wonderful that this beautiful animal is safe. The man who cares for him is a marvellous human being.

  3. Unknown says:

    What a beautiful human being. May these donkeys now get the love a kindness they deserve x

  4. Unknown says:

    What a beautiful human being. May these donkeys now get the love a kindness they deserve x

  5. Anjana says:

    Thank you sir. You're a angel. I can't believe him suffering for 12 years of his life. But finally he is recieveing love, kindness and compassion❤️. Thanks to you ��

  6. Beautiful, thank you! All living beings deserve love!

  7. Sharon says:

    Blessed be that human who stepped up.

  8. Danielle says:

    donkeys are so wonderful and so badly abused by so many

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