
“I accept this award, but I wonder what is in my future by accepting this lifetime achievement award” joked Studi as he spoke about the importance of more American Indians becoming involed in the acting profession.

Wes Studi (Cherokee) was given this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Indian Gaming Association at its annual tradeshow and convention in Las Vegas on Wednesday.

“I accept this award, but I wonder what is in my future by accepting this lifetime achievement award” joked Studi as he spoke about the importance of more American Indians becoming involed in the acting profession.

He also spoke about the importance of strong economic development in Indian Country. Studi said there is no reason why American Indians should not become movie makers as a means for economic development.

In January 2018, Studi discussed his Cherokee heritage on NPR. In March, he Studi became only the second American Indian to speak at the Oscars. Sacheen Littlefeather (White Mountain Apache and Yaqui) was the first in 1974.

Studi’s most recent role is in “Hostiles.”

Now, as time goes on, I hope to find one where I can be in the lead. You know, I think that's every actor's dream, actually, to play lead parts. But no, it doesn't bother me because I've realized from the get-go that this is not a story about my character. My character adds to the story, and is an integral part of it all, but it is not about my character.

Responses to "Cherokee Actor Wes Studi Given Lifetime Achievement Award"

  1. Unknown says:

    Congratulations to a great human being first and a great actor secondly.

  2. Unknown says:

    May there be many roles in your future. Thanks for representing, and good to see you being acknowledged for that too.

  3. Unknown says:

    Congratulations Wes Studi!!! Fine actor and definitely a lead character material! Thank you for being a power of example and speaking up about important issues. Much Respect!!

  4. Unknown says:

    It's about time

  5. suxi says:

    Most brilliant and also handsome actor in America. More, more, more.

  6. Unknown says:

    Infinite Respect Wes!!! Thank you for your courage, talent, and standing up to the challenges of life in such grace. The Honor is Shared.

  7. Unknown says:

    Super proud of you cuz! Love ya!

  8. Unknown says:

    Excellent 😎😎😎

  9. Anonymous says:

    Suggested lines for Wes:
    “Hear me, people, we have now to deal with another race – small and feeble when our fathers first met them but now great and overbearing. Strangely enough they have a mind to till the soil and the love of possession is a disease with them.
    These people have made many rules that the rich may break but the poor may not. They take their tithes from the poor and weak to support the rich and those who rule.
    They claim this mother of ours, the earth, for their own and fence their neighbors away; they deface her with their buildings and their refuse.
    Their nation is like a spring freshet that overruns its banks and destroys all that are in its path.
    ‘We cannot dwell side by side. Only seven years ago we made a treaty, by which we were assured that the buffalo country should be left to us forever. Now they threaten to take that away from us. My brothers, shall we submit? – or shall we say to them: ‘First kill me, before you take possession of my land.’"
    – Chief Sitting Bull

  10. Poitras.Susanne says:

    Enjoy your handsomeness..

  11. Unknown says:

    Respect,and congratulation !

  12. Unknown says:

    Congrats! Well deserved!

  13. Unknown says:

    Wes, I believe a Lifetime Achievement Award means you can do whatever you want now. Lol! The pressure is off!
    Congratulations! Well deserved!

  14. You've crossed all boundaries as an American Actor. Legendary performances. You are loved ..

  15. Unknown says:

    Congratulations...I've loved your acting from the first time I saw you. I thank you more for bringing an awareness to our people⏪❤⏩

  16. Unknown says:

    I have seen a lot of the movies you've been in and love the message you convey to the screen.
    Ain't it great when you can get paid for acting natural without trying.

  17. Congratulations to a great actor and most deserving human being!! He is an asset to the human race as well as our people.

  18. SFPWish says:

    You are the lead...! You make the stories come to life!!! But, yes I agree with you that you need an A liner in Hollywood films! Love you and Mara

  19. Unknown says:

    Congratulations! You sure deserve this award! Wish I was younger and had the time to work with you about an NDN story I have dreamed about for a few years now! Stay well my friend and keep that smile! Faith---

  20. LynnMarie says:

    Congratulations indeed a great honor you are awesome! I have always been a fan even before finding out in 2017 of my Cherokee heritage. I very much enjoyed watching the Cherokee DVD documentary on the heritage of our Cherokee People in the Carolinas.πŸ’–πŸ€—πŸ‘

  21. Unknown says:

    Its high time that 1st nation actors got the recognition they deserve.
    Wes is an actor and activist of the highest order.

  22. Sandiec says:

    You are one of my favorite actors! I would love to see a movie with you in the lead role...awesome!!!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Many good CWY stories for the bog screen. Story of Dragging Canoe, conflict of old settlers and 1839 arrivals, John Ross, Stand Watie and Cherokee Rifles, and of course the Tragic Trail of Tears. Done as factual history or historical fiction wrapped around the time and events, would give Wes Studie a Cherokee Roll finally!

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