
Ernie LaPointe, Sitting Bull's lineal great grandson, tells his great grandfather's oral history. In this film clip he tells who the family holds most responsible for the death of Sitting Bull.

Full two part DVD series available at This clip is from part two of 'The Authorized Biography of Sitting Bull By His Great Grandson".

Throughout history, the name “Sitting Bull” stands out. But Ernie LaPointe lets his audience know that this is a created name and that his great grandfather’s true name, Tatanka Iyotake, is actually Buffalo Bull Who Sits Down. In his presentations, Mr. LaPointe introduces himself and traces his connection to the famous, but incorrectly remembered, Lakota (“Allied to All Living Things”) leader and medicine man.

Then Mr. LaPointe, answers audience questions about ceremonies whose meaning and protocol he continues to perform and perpetuate. And he shares stories and cultural values passed down to him from his mother, a medicine woman. For example, in the Lakota language, there is no word for freedom because it is already here. And there is no word for goodbye.

The Lakota culture is learned through storytelling, being shown by example, and by looking and listening to the elders. Raised in the 1950’s, when it was against the law to burn sage or sweet grass or even sing sacred songs, the culture went underground.

 In 1992, when Ernie LaPointe was told it was time to speak, he “came out of the shadows” to talk about his ancestors and his culture.

Since then Mr. LaPointe’s presentations have been standing-room-only, including his lecture series in Germany and Finland, speaking to anthropologists and professors at Toledo University, addressing Native American groups at the University of Michigan and the University of Notre Dame, and appearing for the Smithsonian Associates in Liberty, New York: “Yours is the only presentation to receive a standing ovation from college professors and high school history teachers. You really educated the educators about Lakota culture.” Wally Mertes.


Responses to "The Authorized Biography of Sitting Bull By His Great Grandson"

  1. No way says:

    Hello,is the film translated into French with subtitles in that language? Because francophones in Canada and Europe support your community, for example by talking about LĂ©onard Pelletier and the problems of the Amerindians.

  2. MaryAnn says:

    Check it out

  3. Anonymous says:

    You are Amazing on Coast to Coast. Eternal lessons, so grateful...

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