
When rescuers got to Zoey, she was lucky to be alive. She was living on a fur farm, where she was due to be slaughtered and skinned. She was infested with parasites and underweight.

When the USDA shuts down illegal or unlicensed fur farms, the fate of the animals inside is not always a happy one. Some animals are too ill to make it to freedom. Others carry deep emotional scars that haunt them forever.

When one fur farm in Illinois was shut down, all of the animals they kept there, mostly foxes, found new homes. But for one sick and traumatized wolf, placement seemed impossible… and the clock was ticking.

When the fur farm was shut down by the government, she was given a second chance at a wolf sanctuary. She was shy and sad at first. But then she made friends with a wolf named Pax, and her true self really began to finally shine through.

Zoey’s favorite game to play with volunteers is ‘keep away’! From shovels to balls and even coats, if Zoey can carry it in her mouth she’ll grab it!

But she’s not being a thief, she’s playing a game very common in wolf pups. She loves being chased and all of the attention that comes with it.

It’s amazing to see Zoey’s transformation from sad dog into the life of the party! She’s proof that when it comes to animals, there’s no such thing as too late.


Responses to " She wolf rescued from fur farm at the last moment gets a second chance at life"

  1. assissi3 says:

    This is such a beautiful story. Yes, animals are resilient. My Irish wolfhound mix is terribly afraid of quite a few things - but he loves to play and run, go through doors and use his pet door —things he was too scared to do when I first took him home. He will always have quirks, but he’s a loving spirit and a blessing to me. Thanks to all who shut down these hideous operations and who gave Zoe a second chance.

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