
The Full Moon in November is named after beavers who build their winter dams at this time of year. It is also called Frost Moon and Corn Harvest Moon, depending on the winter solstice.

For millennia, Native American tribes named the months after features they associated with the Northern Hemisphere seasons, and many of these names are very similar or identical.

The Full Moon for November is named after beavers because this is the time they become particularly active building their winter dams in preparation for the cold season. The beaver is mainly nocturnal, so they keep working under the light of the Full Moon. Beavers make dams of wood and mud. In the middle, they build dome/shaped homes called lodges with underwater entrances.

The names of the full moons are from the Native American tradition of keeping track of the seasons.

The Beaver Moon is believed to mark the activity of the aquatic rodent's preparation for winter.

Native American Names for November Full Moon Itartoryuk Moon (Inuit). Tree Moon (Neo-Pagan). Poverty Moon (Mohawk). Trading Moon (Cherokee). Geese Going Moon (Kiowa). Falling Leaves moon (Sioux). Fledgling Raptor Moon (Hopi). Deer Ruting Moon (Cheyenne). Freezing River Moon(Arapaho). Snow Moon (Mediaeval English). Mourning Moon : Full, Dead : Dark (Janic). Corn Harvest Moon (Taos Native American). Snowy Morning Mountains Moon (Wishram). All Gathered Moon (San Juan Native American). Beaver Moon, Frosty Moon (Algonquin Native American/Colonia).

Other moon names : Fog Moon, Deer Antler Shedding moon, Oak moon, Mad moon, Storm moon, Dark moon.

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