
"For them to pick me to represent the Native American community and even my tribe, it's an honor," she said.

Russell was featured June 22 in Allure, a women’s beauty magazine whose monthly circulation sits at more than 1.1 million people. Her father bought a copy at an Atlanta, Ga. airport.

Russell’s picture in the magazine, taken by Lauren Ward, shows her in a field behind her house in a white top, and floral dress and shawl. Three of her horses are nearby and – though it’s hidden behind her – she also brought a bucket of oats to feed them.

The article, written by the magazine staff, is entitled, “How We’re Redefining Beauty in America Today” and focuses on “iconic innovations” in the realm of beauty. Russell’s picture, the article indicates, exemplifies “The Natural Beauty.”

“I live on a reservation. I see Wolf Mountain to my left, Bighorn to the right, and the hills in my backyard were Little Bighorn Battlefield,” she states in the article. “I learned to value the land, not destroy it. Appreciating all aspects of life – my culture, my family, the mountains – that’s American beauty. It’s a way of life.”

Allure, she said, wished to keep the photo shoot focused on “my own environment in my clothes,” though she added beadwork to her wrists from Crow Agency artist Brocade Stops Black Eagle. The Allure photographer flew in from New York for the job.

“Everybody has a passion and everybody has something they love to do,” she continued. “If you’re good at it and it drives you, I think that’s definitely something you should go for.”

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