
"She takes care of the Lifeblood of Mother Earth – water."

 A First Nations elder who has "walked the equivalent of half the earth's circumference" to build awareness about pollution, laws, fracking, and the selling of the water, is being honoured today in Toronto.

Josephine Mandamin received the Lieutenant Governor's Ontario Heritage Award for Excellence in Conservation at a ceremony held at Queen's Park.

Anishinabek Nation Grand Council Chief Patrick Madahbee said Mandamin, who hails from Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory [also known as Wikwemikong First Nation], has walked the shorelines of five Great Lakes as well as in all four directions of Turtle Island.

"She takes care of the Lifeblood of Mother Earth – water."

Mandamin herself said she "will go to any lengths to and direction to carry the water to the people."

"As women, we are carriers of the water. We carry life for the people," she stated in a news release.

"So when we carry that water, we are telling people that we will go any lengths for the water. We'll probably even give our lives for the water if we have to."

Mandamin is one of seven recipients of the award for volunteer contributions to the conservation of community heritage over a period of 25 years or more.

Responses to "Ojibwe Grandmother has walked 17,000 km to raise consciousness about water "

  1. I have no words for you that fit here My heart is over whelmed. But I honor you all my eyes fill with tears for what is now taking placing. I love you.

  2. Anonymous says:

    How is it, though, that I have just now heard of you? Thank you for what you have been doing. For the water, but for all of us, too. Thank you.

  3. John Gault says:

    THANK YOU!You are a blessing to us all.May God give you the strength to continue with your life journey.

  4. Anonymous says:

    May you continue to be blessed as you are the blessings to us all. Thank you for your committed action! I love you.

  5. Rhonda says:

    I am so honored to be on Earth with you, beautiful elder! Much love to you on your journeys. Please carry my son's memory with you. He would have loved your Grandmother love for all of the Creator's children and for our Mother Earth.

  6. kpp says:

    Truly, Josephine Mandamin, you are a blessing. May you continue your journey to enlighten others. You are blessed. Much gratitude...

  7. Tim K. Thompson says:

    It is good to hear of your effort to bring the importance of the sacred life giving water to the attention of the people. I commend you for the undertaking you have taken in order to bring this matter to the attention of the many people who take water for granted and for the people who pollute the water. You are a shining example to the younger people and to me too.

  8. Unknown says:

    Respect and honor!

  9. Unknown says:

    Miigwetch, prayers for the water protectors everywhere

  10. Sariah Korneluk says:

    Josephine Mandamin, heartfelt miigwetch for your leadership in protecting Water. Words can not fully express the gratitude i feel for your dedication and action towards defending the sacred. That you do such vital work while facing ongoing genocide, systemic and institutionalized racism, dispossession of home and Her bounty as well as cultural assimilation is a testament to your Warrior Womxn ways. My prayers are that my fellow settlers wake up to the truth in so called Canada, and act to end these terrors.i love who you are Josephine.

  11. With people like you bringing attention to our worlds troubles, and people's decisions, there just might be hope. Thank you for the World's Future.

  12. Lise Richer says:

    I am very proud to be Ojibwe. You gave me more power to do something the most I could to help. your leadership and your force and dedication is showing me to try more even with my disability.
    Thank you for the encouragement of life. Only go forward and stay Positive every day is a blessing and show us to go forward.
    Lise Richer from Ottawa, On. Ca

  13. Unknown says:

    Thank you ..with deep gratitude. Blessings to you and your family and friends .

  14. Blessing to you and others who have taken this walk WATER IS LIFE, Thank you.

  15. Anonymous says:

    My students have learned of your walks and have been touched by your commitment and hope. Thank you.

  16. Unknown says:

    17,000 km is a tremendous journey of love and devotion. I am saddened only by the fact that your story is just now part of my consciousness. Blessings for all of your journey and obvious hope that Humans may one day recognize what is truly important - before it is too late. It is refreshing to read of someone who inspires pride and joy in being a human being. May all of our journey's be worthy of your spirit and commitment.

  17. Unknown says:

    Miigwetch, Josephine Mandamin!

  18. Chii Mii Gwetch, Grandmother. You honor US ALL. Miigwetch for your sacred service that is often unspoken, but carries the benefits of walking in ONENESS with ALL THAT IS. My Heart is pouring LOVE into yOUR cupped hands. MyOUR gratitude runs deep, Grandmother. With Great Spirit, I join you with each footprint, into the silent realms of Grace. *WE ARE * ONE HEART * WALKING AS ONE *

  19. Anonymous says:

    Grandmother/sister: We are One heart, walking as one. Many Blessings to you from the Great One. My Spirit is at your side.

  20. LaDounia says:

    It has taken me a long time to appreciate the great impact of a symbolic and from the heart struggle, given that the powers that be seemed to only pay attention to violent resistance. Then, my healing path led me to withdraw my energy from war, yet holding true to my visions of justice, and to feel the amazing difference it makes when one touches in real time the soul of the Earth, Mother Earth. Thank you Josephine Mandamin for taking your stand.

  21. cheryl says:

    Guten Tag, Josephine Mandamin

  22. Unknown says:

    thank you,you are wonderful, so inspiring! I wish i had known about this before - such a shame our media only reports the negative things! love and strength and deep gratitiude to you, water everywhere is sacred, is shared and needs our love and protection and gratitude. thanks again, from UK

  23. Unknown says:

  24. We sit at home and Bitch about are MotherEarth!
    This Elder has is doing something about it's-Wonderful
    We all need too Get involed
    Proud of my Culture and Respect are Elders for Everything they have done and still do-I like to donate some cash towards this walk shes on where do I send it?

  25. i've had the honour of walking with Grandmother Josephine -- a few years back we made this video - screening now at the Art Gallery of Ontario:

  26. Ojibwe mini wiconi

  27. Unknown says:

    A wonderful woman who is a true protector of Mother Earth's Blood - our water! I offer prayer to our Creator with smudge and prayers for you!

  28. Unknown says:

    Such heart and integrity dear Josephine..thank you for all that you are doing..

  29. She actually walked 17000 miles. Which is eqivalent to 27200km. I wish people would check their facts

  30. Anonymous says:

    Native peoples have held fast to their traditions, protecting the earth. The whites have usurped it. Makes me ashamed to be white seeing what history has done. It is time to listen. Time to take action. We must ALL fight to protect this planet. My thanks to Mandamin, and all like her, in their continuing efforts <3 You are held in high regard!!!!!!

  31. Unknown says:

    Thank you,...

  32. Anonymous says:

    May the Great Spirit continue to give you both physical & spiritual strength to lead all peoples to the best ways to protect our Mother Earth.

  33. David says:

    I have a lot of respect for you. In what area do you live? I worked for a while on a Reserve in Lake of the Woods, Canada. There was a Mandamin there. Peace to you.

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