
"We marched for Standing Rock fighting to protect our water, traditions and sovereignty over sacred land."

In Seattle, Washington, native American women singers and drummers lead a women's march of thousands as it arrives at the Seattle Center, on January 21, 2017. Women across the Pacific Northwest marched in solidarity with the Women's March on Washington and to send a message in support of women's rights and other causes.

"As protectors and defenders of our communities, rights, and Mother Earth we descend upon Washington DC to express our unified vision of resistance, love and movement."

Water and Oil: How common are oil spills; do they really impact the environment? For those who have yet to be affected by crude oil spills, it’s difficult to understand why some farmers and indigenous people are so worried about the increase in oil pipelines, especially in North Dakota.

The truth is, landowners struggle with spills from oil pipelines on a regular basis, and clean up can take several years.

As summarized in a report from the Associated Press, “North Dakota had nearly 300 oil pipeline spills in less than two years, which were just a fraction of approximately 750 oil field incidents that took place in the state without the public’s knowledge.”

The frequency of these spills threatens the livelihoods of local farmers and is detrimental to the environment. If that isn’t bad enough, the secrecy surrounding these spills has only caused distrust from many indigenous and non-indigenous people alike.

Oil spills can cause immediate and long-term harm to the environment, wildlife, and humans.

Photos via Dallas Goldtooth

 Rob Wilson Photography

 Rob Wilson Photography

Canada Indigenous women stand with USA indigenous

The honor of the people lies in the moccasin tracks of the woman. Indigenous Proverb

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