
The Sacred Stone Camp near Cannonball has been housing demonstrators who oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline since late May.

 The tent city has quickly grown with representatives of approximately sixty tribes at the site along with individuals from all over the world.

The size of this gathering has come as a surprise to many, but for some Native Americans, this assembly has been anticipated for Seven Generations.

Dakota Goodhouse is one of those who sees coincidences between the past and present.

He teaches a course on Native American Studies at United Tribes Technical College. He's very familiar with the Seventh Generation prophecy, attributed to Black Elk and other tribal leaders in the late 1800s.

Black Elk's dream is that this illusion of many hoops will go away and we'll all see one hoop again," said Goodhouse.

Goodhouse says, the vision Black Elk foretold depicted a great coming together of Native Americans.

He says the dream also included a reuniting of all races of people.

The Lakota Holy Man saw races represented by hoops and in Seven Generations he saw all hoops becoming one.

"I have to wonder if we're living in that time now? I do see a resurgence in language and culture in history; it's nice to see the illusion of many hoops being broken," said Goodhouse.

The students in his class believe the Sacred Stone Camp is the fulfillment of the Seventh Generation prophecy.

"I think it's really awesome to see all our different tribes coming together and putting their difference aside. This time, right here, right now is where we all need to come together," said Katrina Her Many Horses, of Pine Ridge, S.D.

Melvin Miner of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe agrees.

"I think what's going on with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and the Dakota Access Pipeline conflict, you could say there has been an awakening and awareness that the prophecy is coming to light," said Miner.

The belief that the Sacred Stone Camp is part of a 125-year-old prophecy elevates the cause for which the water protectors have come together.

Responses to "Black Elk vision of Seventh Generation prophecy is happening at Sacred Stone Camp"

  1. Thank you for being the fulfillment of this prophecy. Much love and 100% support in your amazing demonstration of what we all can be and do together.

  2. Unknown says:

    I welcome this union of The People. All people of the world unite now at this time.

  3. Landluv says:

    The world is watching A'ho

  4. Anonymous says:

    All prophecies are coming to pass.
    Many blessings to everyone at standing rock.
    Fellow Rainbow Sister from Oz

  5. Anonymous says:

    sounds of 2025

  6. gyl says:

    love and light-may we overcome the black snake

  7. Anonymous says:

    It makes me believe we will defeat this black snake! Just wish I could be there! Much prayers! Thank you to all you brave warriors on the front lines!!!! Much respect and love and we'll have the law dropping their weapons! Just watch!

  8. Much respect from Ireland ..xx

  9. Embarae says:

    I would like to add that October 21st in Washington DC., there was an even called "All Tribes DC. We stood in the gap and prayed over this land. This event was also powerful. Yes seventh prophecy. I see something more to what we are actually seeing. Something great is happening and I hope that all nations will bring about the right movement, so that this does not have to happen again. The whole world is watching just what are we going to do. Stay peaceful. I am praying, I end my prayers All in the Name of Jesus, nothing religious about that, just spiritual.

  10. Unknown says:

    Feels biblical in stature! I'd like to see God make an appearance and put the shit straight!

  11. Unknown says:

    As a Native, I am very disappointed in all the falsehoods being spread by the pipeline protesters. 6 more pipelines in that river, one right beside this new one and none of you chose to defend the water then. Then all the lies about sacred sites being disturbed and no one from standing rock admitting they have a new water system coming that has a source not on this river. Then, you use oil for everything, everything you own was made using oil and you burned gasoline to get there to protest. That makes you hypocrites. You cannot have it both ways. You cause turmoil where none should exist, you deceive by not telling the whole truth, shame on all of you who choose to participate in this false cause. Those young people should be in school, the native child gets a free education. Imagine the world when one day a native scientist finds a was that we can live without oil.. It can never happen if our children remain ignorant and all they know is to protest for what they are told they want. Oil is Mother's gift, just like water and air. We must live with it until we no longer need to.

  12. Unknown says:

    The time has been confirmed

  13. Unknown says:

    Wow I wish I could come back home as my grandma use to say. I wanted to do something from San Francisco, if possible. Maybe Alcatraz again.I want to help without traveling, it to expensive not to mention my.

    Cecilia Rael grand daughter of Phoebe and Venaldo Simmons daughter to Patti Rae Simmons.

  14. Unknown says:

    Not to mention my kids and grand kids that make hard for me to travel!

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