
Black Timber Wolf photographed at a wildlife reserve in Northern Minnesota.

"My name is Conrad Tan. I currently reside in Northern California in the San Francisco Bay Area. Photography was a late starting hobby for me. But unlike all other hobbies from my younger days, this one seems to have stuck. What began from a desire to look at a wallpaper I created myself has become an obsession of sorts." describes himself passionate photographer.

"I am consumed with creating the perfect photograph, whatever that may be. I tend to struggle with every image I create because I believe I can always make it better. I guess that is what keeps me coming back. There are so many disciplines in this hobby I've yet to try. I also love to help other photographers if I can. I think it is important to give back to the hobby that's given me so much happiness."

Photographer truly captured the essence of this beautiful mysterious creature..

Minnesota is home to 13 national wildlife refuges, each with a distinct set of attractions for  birders and wildlife-watchers. The 13 wildlife refuges in Minnesota are among 550 refuges nationwide covering 150 million acres.

Across the nation, the refuges are home to more than 700 species of birds, 220 species of mammals, 250 reptile and amphibian species and more than 200 fish species.

Responses to "Perfect Timing Photos: A Close Encounter With A Minnesota Black Wolf"

  1. My heart stopped.

    I've had some wonderful opportunities to spend time with these astonishing creatures and have seen many wonderful films, videos, photos of them -

    I would say for all your struggles you have done it- I am absolutely stunned. You have captured the wild here, as I've never seen it and the ethereal , otherworldly quality of this most remarkable wonder.


  2. Unknown says:

    Thank you for allowing me to truly see and feel the wolves spirit.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Only one thing to say, Beautful

  4. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely;y gorgeous!!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Stunning pictures, just stunning!

  6. Catarina says:

    My God !!! what beautiful creatures ... can not understand this contempt and hatred ... so amazingly magically beautiful

  7. Unknown says:

    The beauty of that majestic hunter is captured wonderfully! Thank you!

  8. Unknown says:

    I love these beautiful animals ��

  9. Peggy Rambo says:

    Being able to capture these spell binding images is a wonderful achievement. Thank you so much for making them available for all to see.

  10. Chris says:

    Absolutely amazing be able to get so close to such beauty thank you for sharing

  11. sean says:


  12. Unknown says:

    Where exactly were these taken? Look like desendants of ones I knew 20 yrs ago.

  13. Wow, these are some of the most amazing wolf photos I've ever seen! They really capture the strength and beauty of these animals. Thank you for sharing these with us!

  14. Unknown says:

    Really beautiful creatures. You have done a great job! Thanks for sharing these amazing images. Can you tell me what equipment you use and your technique for stalking/photographing?

  15. This guy is absolutely beautiful. I thank the photographer for these photos

  16. Anonymous says:

    I love wolves !! you captured the soul of this one sir,amasing work !!

  17. Nalissa says:

    Great pictures!!!!! Thank you for sharing. What a beautiful wolf. Piercing eyes. Thank you again

  18. Good thing this hobby stuck....these are amazing! congrats!

  19. Unknown says:


  20. Unknown says:

    I have seen Black wolves in North Central BC Canada. Regular visitors to my gold claim.

  21. Anonymous says:

    I love any and all wolves. I hope that they will be considered always on the endangered species list.what beautiful pictures captured. thank you for all the work you have done.

  22. PDXRose says:

    Some of the best wildlife photography I've ever seen. There is something so special about wolves. You were in the right place at the right time, and got the shots of a lifetime. Well done, and I'll look forward to seeing more of your work.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful ! Amazing photos of a beautiful animal

  24. great photos - it's like they're putting on a show for you - how much human encounter do you think this pack get ? did you ever think maybe you're getting a little too close, not for your sake but for the wolf's ?

  25. Unknown says:

    the pictures are explosive as if you are actually there great job to photographer

  26. What a beautiful majestic animal

  27. Bryce says:

    What provoked the threat response of bared teeth?

  28. Unknown says:

    Wow! Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing♥

  29. Ian says:

    I'm originally from Minnesota, though more in the southeastern part bordering on Hudson, WI. What reserve is this?

  30. Kathy says:

    May I use some of these pictures for painting? They are beautiful. How close were you able to get to him?

  31. ReeGee says:


  32. Unknown says:

    what camera what lenses?

  33. says:

    What beautiful photos. Do you sell your pictures ? I have been searching for a Black Wolf photo for some time .. I would be very interested.

  34. Barbara Fitchette says:

    hope you keep safe while shooting such stupendous shots of wolves and their daily habits. In the last photo, did the black wolf leap right at you?

  35. such a beautiful wolf thank you for sharing your amazing gift of photography with us !

  36. neache says:

    Much appreciation for sharing amazing photographs of very amazing creatures that bless this world of ours, is sad that many do not see this wolf and its kind as the balance of nature in a given area and leave them alone instead of hunting and killing this magnificent being, again ty for sharing with us

  37. neache says:

    sharing of these photos are amazing what a beautiful animal spirit.
    Thank you for your expertise

  38. Donna B. says:

    Bravo! 👏🏻 Spectacular photos, Conrad. Thank you for sharing your pictures of this majestic animal with us. You are incredibly talented.

  39. Donna B. says:

    Bravo! 👏🏻 Spectacular photos, Conrad! Thank you for sharing your images of this majestic animal. What a treasure.

  40. Anonymous says:

    These images are breathtaking! Pretty sure they couldn't be more perfect! I was celebrating today because I found Roseate Spoonbills to shoot, but these wolves are a million times more amazing.....

  41. Anonymous says:

    There is nothing that compares to the eyes of a wolf. Mesmerizing. I love these majestic animals. Great photos!

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