
Barbara Crandell is paying tribute to her fellow Native Americans who served in the United States Armed Forces.

 "I just wanted to honor my brothers and sisters. I wanted to honor all the people in West Virginia," Crandell said.

At 87-years-old, she is still sharp as a tack. Over the past ten months, she made it her mission to put a memorial at the West Virginia National Cemetery in Grafton. At Saturday’s unveiling, she placed the flags for her family members, including her husband, who served in the military.

"Our family fought under the flag of the people who took our land but we still live here and we had a certain amount of freedom. not as much as we would have liked to have," Crandell said.

Mark Routier calls Crandell 'grandmother'. He helped her in her efforts with the memorial and said it is important to keep the history of Native Americans alive.

"It’s all about recognition and the heritage that I and so many people are very proud of," Routier said.

The memorial now stands near the Blue Star Memorial in the cemetery. He says he hopes it is a reminder of what Native Americans gave to their country.

"It’s just a very rewarding experience to be part of this placement honoring of the stone honoring our Native Americans who served in the United States Armed Forces. It’s very, very important," Routier said.

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Responses to "New memorial honors Native Americans who served in military"

  1. I understand that Indians serve in the armed forces at one of the highest rates of any US demographic.

  2. SUE says:


  3. So many served...and you wonder with their history...Why? Because in spite of a history of injustices, they still believed this was a land worth fighting for.

  4. Unknown says:

    ABOUT TIME !! how do I share on FB , plse?

  5. Cheryl says:

    I agree with Sue. There should be a wall put up with their names on it. Thank you all for your service and for your sacrifices!! And God bless you all!

  6. Unknown says:

    So glad this is finally happening but it doesn't seem as impressive as some of the other memorials. Thank you for serving and sacrificing to keep our country free. God Bless you and your families.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Why does it say Indian?....and not First Nation?

  8. Unknown says:

    Just "Native Americans." The real Indians are our brothers and sisters from India.

  9. Unknown says:

    Beautiful, Native Americans are not given the proper respect they deserve. The European colonists have done nothing but make then villains.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Nice, and about time but wondering, shouldn't it read Native People or something similar to that?

  11. Unknown says:

    A tribute most definitely deserved and should be more.

  12. lea says:

    A fitting tribute to those that valiantly served their country.

  13. As has already been said by Sue. The Code Talkers (Wind Talkers) contributed to the Allied War Efforts BIGLY. Being able to send messages that couldn't be cracked was a huge advantage.
    The Indians fought in the US Armed Forces, because it was either fight or speak German for all Americans!!!

  14. Unknown says:

    My Husband is full blooded Choctaw served 8 years Army.
    Cannot the help he needs.
    Cannot get funds froom reservation because he was adopted at
    a 1 /12
    Cannot get his adoption records oened
    We need help tell us where to turn

  15. Please remember all our Tribal veterans who used their languages to end many of these wars. 34 American Indian Languages were used by the Military starting in WWI, then WII and highest % of any race of people per capita historically at 22% of our people. documented by the Dept of Defense.

  16. Unknown says:

    I am a half-breed. I served for 12 years because this was my country, even if the land was taken and my ancestors were murdered and mistreated, it was and still is MY country.As far as being called an Indian, native American, whatever, just don't call me Chief

  17. Unknown says:

    Amazing memorial and long overdue

  18. This is about time! Thank you to Barbara Crandell for this Memorial to a people who suffered great injustices yet fought for this country's freedom. We owe them the honor they so rightfully deserve.

  19. The Choctaw Code Talkers were inducted into the Oklahoma Military Hall of Fame in 2012. The bio at the Oklahoma History Center—

  20. Unknown says:

    some "Europeans" were escaping persecution. We're not all bad.

  21. Sara Shaw says:

    N8tive Pride & Proud of it
    1 Nation 1 Tribe

    As for us n8tives that r born N raised on the Rez nobody will never understand us n8tives. We just stand Strong N carry on kuz r life's r a price of war.. Always have to fight for whats are's water,family's, respect. Luv is the strongest N this path is the hardest. N just kuz they're white They not always Right..

  22. My great grandpa was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian and I support any one that served in the military

  23. OPechanga says:

    The Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians in Temecula,CA stripped MANY veterans from their memorial page...because they disenrolled them, many it and weep:

  24. It is worth to note that we are a melting pot,from different nations, and even different tribes. Those that have given up their live, including the Native American, did it so we can be free. God bless them all!

  25. Anonymous says:

    To Unknown Choctaw. Choctaws are not on a reservation.What funds are you wanting to receive?

  26. Jeanette says:

    I am glad that they have one now. However I agree with others they should have a wall with the names of WWI Code Talkers as they were very important to that wwar effort. Thhis is a good start.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Are u serious?! All that of all our ancestors was force too endure and
    suffer. Then it was our grandpa's (Navajo Code Talkers) that save this Nation. And then our young men and women who still serve in the military get this little joke of a memorial rock?

  28. Unknown says:

    We serve to honor our elders. We fought and died to preserve all the ways of freedom loving people enjoy. Our past is never forgotten and what was taken will never be forgiven. We have endured much at home and abroad, but this only makes us stronger and more determined to remember the sacrifice of so many.

  29. May God Bless All Who Have Served to Protect Our Nations and Way of Life!!! I am so Proud of my Native People for Doing What is Right. I am a Veteran too. My Native People were the Old Cheraw Siouan of the Carolinas !!!

  30. Ron says:

    Hopefully this is only the beginning of rendering thanks and tribute to our First Nation's. I don't pity Native Americans they don't want pity, they want and deserve respect. It pricks my heart to know that from the beginning, our First nation's have been ridiculed, persecuted, murdered and slaughtered in the name of peace... our forefathers did not take into account that our First Nations deserve better. We stole their land, herded them like cattle to places they could barely survive but they have done just that... they have survived. They have pride, they have dignity and most of all, they have honor! The white man, because of their actions, and because they attempted genocide and have never apologized, have NO HONOR! GOD BLESS OUR FIRST NATIONS, OUR NATIVE AMERICANS... MAY THEY FOREVER STAND STRONG IN THE FACE OF EVIL!

  31. Ron says:

    Hopefully this is only the beginning of rendering thanks and tribute to our First Nation's. I don't pity Native Americans they don't want pity, they want and deserve respect. It pricks my heart to know that from the beginning, our First nation's have been ridiculed, persecuted, murdered and slaughtered in the name of peace... our forefathers did not take into account that our First Nations deserve better. We stole their land, herded them like cattle to places they could barely survive but they have done just that... they have survived. They have pride, they have dignity and most of all, they have honor! The white man, because of their actions, and because they attempted genocide and have never apologized, have NO HONOR! GOD BLESS OUR FIRST NATIONS, OUR NATIVE AMERICANS... MAY THEY FOREVER STAND STRONG IN THE FACE OF EVIL!

  32. Unknown says:


  33. Anonymous says:

    Great tribute. My 5th great grandfather was Punkey and served in the American Revolution. He also was a signee of great peace treaty. In very proud!

  34. Why does everyone say Native ‘Americans’? The Native peoples were here LONG before the Europeans invaded this country. Every inch, every acre was stolen from the Natives. Yes, they live in what is America, so therefore they are Americans. But, to be called Native Americans, as far as I’m concerned, is incorrect. They are Natives. Period.

  35. Thank You For Your Service.

  36. Unknown says:

    I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to Mrs. Crandell for all of her time, money and the respect and determination to see this through!!
    Thank you to all my Ancestors Brothers and Sisters that sacrificed their lives to fight for what I have today! A~Ho What we all have today. I belong to The San Diego Band of Iipay Nation in Santa Ysabel, CA

  37. Jeanan says:

    It says "Indian" because that's who we are! Anyone born in America is a Native American. We are American Indians!

  38. I agree with the fact that there should be a wall w/ALL of their names on it. And yes, the Windtalkers (Code Talkers) at the very top. Without them, we would have most definitely lost the war. And the Native Americans are still the largest minority and have the highest poverty level in America. This was their land, and Blacks, Mexicans, Latin Anericans, Asians, & Europeans (Whites) enjoy WAY more rtights and freedoms than the Skins (Native Americans). Give them at least something from this land that is theirs in the first place, to Support and Honor them as a People!

  39. Unknown says:

    Nowhere is it mentioned, or, has it ever been told, that among the men who raised the fallen flag, WAS AN INDIAN!!!!

  40. Anonymous says:

    That memorial stone was created by a native american indian which IS what we call ourselves.... Not created by any government agency and all you white eyes cant tell us what to call ourselves! Take your PC and shove it!

  41. tlh says:

    If anyone wants to find -past military records go to NPRC and make a request for records- you will need all info about that person.

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