
Nigrita is an 80-year-old Galapagos tortoise that lives at the Zoo Zürich in Switzerland. She also happens to be making a big difference for her endangered species.

 Nigrita laid her first eggs this year. Most species don’t live to be 80 years old, let alone give birth at that age, but for her species, it’s quite normal!

In fact, these tortoises typically don’t start reproducing until around age 40. Galapagos tortoises are known as one of the longest-living animals on Earth. By tortoise standards, Nigrita is in her prime.

Although Galapagos tortoises can live to be over 150 years old, there aren’t many left. The species is endangered due to greedy humans and hungry predators.

Nigrita is currently part of a breeding program at the zoo, which makes her nine hatchlings all the more special. It’s up to tortoises like Nigrita to ensure the survival of her species.

Responses to "80-Year-Old Tortoise Becomes A First-Time Mom"

  1. Oh, no! Does that mean I could still get pregnant? (Just joking. I know my eggs have all shriveled up by now.)

  2. Ookami says:

    wtf baylead1012

  3. -dpl says:

    Ha! Reminds me of Lonesome George:

  4. Where is Mr. Negrita? How can she lay fertile eggs without a spouse?

  5. Anonymous says:

    @Castlegar Peony Show 2015 - Last paragraph of the article... "Nigrita is currently part of a breeding program at the zoo, which makes her nine hatchlings all the more special. It’s up to tortoises like Nigrita to ensure the survival of her species."

  6. Unknown says:

    What a wonderful thing! Nigrita can probably get pregnant til she's at l.j east 120!

  7. Unknown says:

    Turtles (and tortoises, I assume) can continue to lay fertile eggs many years after breeding. While that's not what happened in this case, it is possible.

  8. Pepe says:

    Tortoises and turtles do not give birth. They lay eggs. This article gives the impression Negrita could get pregnant and “give birth” as mammals do. Somehow the editor should have caught this...

  9. Keat82 says:

    I don't know what you read that makes you think "this article gives the impression Negrita could get pregnant and"give birth". In the third sentence it clearly states,"Nigrita laid her first EGGS". Then in the next to last sentence it used the word "hatchlings". The only thing they said about birth was when comparing with other mammals. It seems extremely clear to me.

  10. wow says:


  11. Unknown says:

    How in the world do they mate?

  12. Unknown says:

    Wish every offspring makes it for their species to live strong and Multiply!

  13. Anonymous says:

    They mate the same way other species do. They have sex also.

  14. First picture she looks so proud! Second picture though it looks like she looking at my kids in the morning when they can’t find there shoes and we needed to leave 10 minutes ago.

  15. delumiere says:


  16. Castlegar Peony. It's amazing what you can do without a spouse!

  17. Unknown says:

    Power to you old girl and lots of patience..

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