
A new challenger has entered the game — and he's adorable. It’s hard to resist petting a dog. Even at a soccer game, and even if you’re one of the players.

 During a championship matchup between two Brazilian soccer teams this week, the action was brought to a standstill when a friendly dog decided to join in. No one really seemed to mind the interruption though.

In fact, the response was quite the opposite."It's not just the players who wanna show talent here, the dog is also a part of the show!" the announcer cheerfully proclaimed.

After few moment, one of the players gently took the pup into his arms and escorted him off the field. Not only did the crowd let out a hearty cheer, the announcer used the opportunity to send an important message to folks watching at home:

"Be good to an animal, to a dog. It's the least a human being can do to give back for all that they give us."

Responses to "Dog Interrupts Brazilian Soccer Match, Announcer Has The Best Reaction"

  1. Goddess says:

    Very weird way of picking up a dog.

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