
A blind pit bull who was abandoned on a park bench has been rescued and is 'thriving' says her rescuer.

 The three-year-old pit bull, who was discovered shuddering on a wet and cold park bench in Santa Maria, California, in early October was 'blind and terrified' and 'too scared to even get off the bench.'

She was found by an animal control officer who brought her to the city pound. Her situation seemed dire until fate stepped in and she came to the attention of a woman who was scrolling through her Facebook feed.

The kind-hearted woman, Jennifer Wales, who runs her own rescue out of Los Angeles and has been saving homeless animals for 25 years, couldn't resist the blind pooch's sad face.

Wales said that the dog 'reminded me so much of another dog that changed my life, who was also a blind pit bull,' according to ABC News. Wales calls the pooch a 'Pibble' - another term for American Pit Bull Terrier, instead of the much maligned 'pit bull' label. Wales says that the abandoned pup is 'thriving' in her foster home and describes her as 'so loving and sweet.'

Pictures of her dressed up in a pink tutu and a bright yellow duck costume prove she's pretty fashionable as well. Happiness shines through her cloudy eyes.


Responses to "Blind and terrified dog abandoned on a park bench saved by Facebook post"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Blessings to you :) for you kindness and compassion for saving this little one.

  2. Unknown says:

    Does she have cataracts? If so she can have surgery. I also notice she has prominent nipples,

  3. Unknown says:

    I am so glad this story has a happy ending. I cannot imagine how terrified she must have been being dumped on a park bench, not knowing where she was, afraid to move an inch. She could have been dumped on the edge of a cliff for all she knew! Thanks to all who helped save her and have given her a loving home!

  4. Unknown says:

    Adorable! She is beautiful! Glad she has a home that really cares!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thank God someone found her and has given her a chance in life. She is such a beautiful girl and deserves a wonderful home to care for her , I'm glad that someone has had the heart and loyalty to make this lovely girl a home were she feels safe loved and apart of a family were her soul will shine. Let's hope this thing dose not happen again by making people aware of incidents such as this but also the shame they should feel on there actions .

  6. Unknown says:

    I won't give the evil that left her there the time of day..but I want to thank the people who found and rescued her and making her feel safe and loved xx

  7. Unknown says:

    Poor baby. She needs a halo so she doesn't bump her head. You can get one from or

  8. Anonymous says:

    Looks like she was bred, puppies were not as good as they should be , so they got rid of her. Nothing new there.

  9. Unknown says:

    without people like Jennifer this world would be alot darker,thank you

  10. Unknown says:

    This is a warm and great video for animal lovers. My last dog went blind for four years before passing away. I was pleasantly surprised at how well she coped with the blindness and made me proud of her on our walks. She is gone now since 2009 and, yep, still missed very much !! (sniff!)

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