
The heartwarming story of Sully the incredibly cute flying fox - found near death and nursed back to health by a woman who captured her remarkable recovery on video

With big wide eyes and full cheeks, it is difficult to not find Sully the flying-fox adorable in this incredible video which documents her journey from near death to finding out she is pregnant.

The footage, uploaded to YouTube, shows Sully the grey headed flying-fox lying on the ground under children's play equipment considered nearly dead by her founders as she was unconscious and unresponsive.

But a quick thinking Sydney residents rushed the bat to the vets for an x-ray to check for a spinal fracture. The x-ray found no fracture but discovered she was pregnant and due in two months time.

It's a happy ending for all as the rescuer says 'after six weeks in hospital Sully is released to join the wild locals on Sydney's upper north shore and is still pregnant'.

Rescue VIDEO

Responses to "Semi-dead pregnant flying-fox is brought back to life and turns out to be incredibly cute"

  1. Anonymous says:

    That's one cute little bat.. :)... Im so happy she got help..

  2. Wonderful, Thank you for sharing

  3. Unknown says:

    Wow! What a wonderful rescue.

  4. Lucky little bat <3...wonder how it went with her baby...?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Thank you rescuers for helping this beautiful flying fox.

  6. Unknown says:

    did her baby survive?

  7. Unknown says:

    Todos los animales son bellos.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Wonderful ..thank you for care to this little thing !

  9. lhasa54 says:


  10. Anonymous says:

    What a great feelgood story lets hope the baby makes It,
    would make a real happy ending.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Love Flying Squirrels! So very glad this little girl was rescued and that she recovered quickly. Best wishes to her and hope that her little one makes it! Heartfelt thanks to all those who made the miracle happen! :) <3

  12. pilvikki says:


  13. Christine Aspinall this is a flying fox. Not a squirrel. We don't have squirrles in Australia

  14. Lell says:

    "After 6 weeks in care she was released, still pregnant, to join the wild locals on Sydney's upper North Shore." Lets hope she has a long and happy life, thank you for rescuing her...

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