
Master Storyteller Ed Edmo tells the legend of She Who Watches" -- the famous Native American rock art.

Edmo is a poet, playwright, performer, traditional storyteller, tour guide and lecturer on Northwest tribal culture.

He has offered guided tours to the She Who Watches petroglyphs on the Columbia Gorge, as well as to the Warm Springs Indian Reservation in central Oregon’s high desert country. He conducts workshops and lectures on cultural understanding and awareness, and lives in Portland with his family.

As a Native American with Shoshone-Bannock-Nez Perce tribal affiliation, Edmo served as a consultant to the Native American architects of the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian. He also plays the part of the coyote spirit on television’s “Portlandia.”

Prepare to laugh and learn from the many adventures of Coyote — one of the most pivotal and important indigenous characters of North American mythology.

“Talk about Indian Time – Indian Time is really being on time. You have to know when the berries are ripe to pick, if not the bears will get them. You have to know when the deer and the game migrate. You have to know when the salmon runs. So Indian time is really (about being) on time.”


Responses to "Native American storyteller tells the legend of "She Who Watches""

  1. David says:

    This is great - thank you so much for posting.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I grew up in The Dalles and knew of the Edmo family. Thanks for posting the video.

  3. Thank you, this is a wonderful about She who watches.

  4. I love stories.thank you for sharing this gem. Namaste brothers and sisters ♡

  5. M Harris says:

    I'd like to hear more stories.

  6. Unknown says:

    Regarding Indian Time, a dear lady would invite us for dinner but it seemed we were always about an hour late so she reset the time when she it figured out. Anyways, we were ALWAYS on time to eat till the hour reset took place so we would be on her time. The story of Indian Time came home as I read it.

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