The Most Radioactive Man on Earth Has the Kindest Heart
Tomioka was abandoned when the leak happened, people leaving the 12.5 mile exclusion zone in such a rush that they left their doors open and their animals behind.
As Naoto waits for his community to come back to life, he takes care of the town’s animal survivors and lives by candelight. Known as the “guardian of Fukushima’s animals” he feeds and checks in on cows, pigs, dogs, cats and more.
Though he eats food from outside the zone, by staying with Tomioka’s animals, Naoto is no doubt exposed to radiation daily. Scroll through to see his big-hearted work in action.
Earth angel at work thankyou for all you do
Thankyou for caring Naoto you are a saint.
Brings tears to my eyes... the salt of the earth this man...
Merci Naoto ! <3 Om namasté
What a wonderful human being. god bless him each and every day for what he does.
God will bless him <3
God bless you and thank you for taking care of all those abandoned babies. You will ever be in my prayers! <3
Though it might be shorter his will be a life well-lived.
Everyone is thanking this man, but what is anyone doing about it? The world can do more about this unfortunate situation.. Just one man is doing all this for all these abandoned animals???
You are among the saints and angels who live in human form. May you be blessed. We love you for all you are doing!
What dear soul who is taking such loving care of other animlas affected by this tragedyBless you dear man and thank you so much for your great big heart to the ones around you Val from Perth Western Australia
What a Kind Man. And I feel that St Francis must walk with him, to help him care for the animals I hope that the community "Outside" is helping to support him However he needs support. I am sure that some Professional organisation would be keeping an eye on his health and his needs, perhaps with a report of sorts-mobile phone/internet.God bless you, Mr Natao
Thankyou for caring and staying to help those who would die without your help. What can you say about the human race...well i can say thankyou for being one of those with a big wishes to u....
What a Saint.
He personifies what a human being "should" be.
Thank you for looking after the animals. I hope you are being looked after too. xx
How can I donate to his cause???
thank you very much, you are a very good and kind man, bravo
why are the animals still procreating? The cats and dogs should be spayed/meutered. I find it interesting the the cows are "numbered" and have rings in their noses for what ever reason.
Is there any way to donate to help with his expenses?
God bless him for all he has done and is doing. Can we donate to assist him with expenses?
God bless you and keep you.
It just takes one human to care enough.
What a very kind and thoughtful man :)
ok this is a great man... now how can WE help him continue this brave and awesome effort.. .he must need so much food for all these animals??
God Bless you for what you are doing and going through.
The gods bless you for your good heart and kindness <3
Thank you Sis ! Bless you ♥
Brings tears to my eyes that one man could have such a big heart as to risk his own life to care for these abandoned animals . . . ❤️
Thank you for looking after all those animals.Thank you.
Thank you Beautiful Soul <3
No doubt, the happiest man in Japan, possibly the world. Thank you, sir.
His good heart has protected him from the radiation. A good heart can do that! What a golden human being he is.
God bless this man.
Can I help?