
Kekoa the wolf is a handsome young male who hase a sweet personality, which is good because he loves to greet with wolf kisses. When he puts his paws on a person's shoulders he towers at about 7 feet.

Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center mission is to educate the public through tours and programs about the importance of Wolves, Coyotes, and Foxes to our eco-system.

They also educate the public about the importance of Preservation and Conservation of the forests, land, and water that supports wildlife, flora, and fauna for future generations to enjoy.

They provide natural habitats and exceptional lives for the animals entrusted to their care since they cannot live in the wild.

After years of providing high quality, interactive, educational tours and programs regarding wolf and wildlife conservation, Colorado Wolf and Wildlife Center now reaches approximately 40,000 people per year. It is important to educate people about the beautiful and majestic wolf, along with other misunderstood wild canids, and the importance of their roles in our ecosystems.


Responses to "Giant Gray Wolf Greets Woman With Kisses And Cuddles in Colorado."

  1. Anonymous says:

    wonderful and beautiful animals, have always loved wolves, would really love to work with them

  2. SusanJ says:

    Beautiful ... just so beautiful ! Wolves are such magnificent creatures ... Kekoa may you have a long and wonderful life!

  3. Unknown says:

    I've been here! It's such an amazing place. I made sure I got the VIP pass to meet the wolves, what an unforgettable experience.

  4. Tanja says:

    What a wonderful gentle wolf. I love him.

  5. Anonymous says:

    a true "gentle giant" :) i am jealous for the woman ^^

  6. An experience like that would not only make my day - it would make my life! Wonderful!

  7. Wolf and Wildlife center in Colorado need Educated on Wolves.

  8. Anonymous says:

    What a beautiful and majestic wolf! He reminds me of an Akita dog I had when I was 4 years old.

  9. Sherri DeKoda S. says:

    He is so beautiful! I would love to spend days on end with wolves, and other large animals in a heart beat! They are my brothers and sisters and are a part of me. When they hurt, I hurt. Only if I could just be with them, my life would be totally complete!

  10. Unknown says:

    Lucky her. I studied wolves for about 10 yrs. before raising one. I really miss him, he was as friendly and loving as this one. I would once again love to raise another one or to work with them. They are necessary and magnificent creatures. *=

  11. Great video: Our Company is WEREWOLF INTERNATIONAL & we will support Wilderness Habitat:

  12. More and more people and government officials need to see the beauty of these wolves. I have petitioned and prayed for their lives to continue and not be ended by ignorant officials that wish them dead. God bless Kekoa and all other species of wolves throughout the world.....

  13. I have never seen this before fantastic. How Wonderful is nature
    A sweet wolf , thank you so much for this great video

  14. Rowinium says:

    Wolves are kind, gentle, beautiful, amazing animals and should be protected at all costs. They are my brothers and sisters and I'm so sad because there was a death in the family. The last White wolf was shot and killed for sport. It's evil and cruel and wrong!

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