
A Little Owl’s Tiny Adventures In The Woods

A cute tiny owl wanted to hide from the rain. It took shelter under a mushroom, a photographer snapped some photos, and the rest was internet history.

“Poldi, our little owl is 1,5 years old. I got him when he was five months old. He didn’t want to come out his egg and he was very small, the smallest. His six sisters were all hatched, and as he was the last to be born, days after the others, he was very small. I also have a Harris Hawk named Phönix, a Weissgesichtseule named Gandalf, and a snow owl named Uschi,” Tanja Brandt told Bored Panda.

“I think my animals like to be photographed. Why? Because I am always outside with my camera and with my animals. So we get to walk together, have fun, go on adventures, have little breaks… We take some pictures and after the animals can play again as we keep going. I know my animals very well and I can see their state of mind. If I go out with just one of my animals, the other get antsy and want to be with us. We have lot of fun together.”

Photos Credits Tanja Brandt Source
“I’ve always loved animals, since I was a baby, unlike the rest of my family. When I was little, I found every sort of pet and then hid it for my parents. I love the beauty, power, loyalty, courage and friendship of animals. Many people could learn from them.”

Responses to "Adorable Owl Hiding From Rain Under A Mushroom Becomes Internet Star"

  1. jayjay55 says:

    Beautiful pictures.

  2. Unknown says:

    Absolutely beautiful thank you for sharing I enjoyed them immensely.

  3. Unknown says:

    This is so adorable.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Adorable little Owl! And love the Owl and German Shepard bond. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Unknown says:

    thank you.

  6. Unknown says:

    Gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. <3

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