
An abandoned baby deer is finding a fairytale ending on a Michigan farm.

 A rare white-faced fawn has found a loving home at a Michigan animal farm after being rejected by his mother after birth, MLive.com reported. The baby deer, named Dragon, is just a week and a half old and is as adorable as his name is fierce.

Dragon was born at Deer Tracks Junction, an animal farm in Cedar Springs, Michigan, according to Fox 17. The farm’s owner and the fawn’s human surrogate mom, Hilary Powell, explained to the news outlet that Dragon was abandoned by his mother, likely because he was born with a white face that would make it difficult for him to survive in the wild.

“In the wild, they are very, very rare,” Powell said of Dragon’s species.The fawn’s mother, a doe named Bunny, is a whitetail Piebald deer. Born with bright blue eyes and a pink nose, Dragon was disowned after birth probably because he didn’t look like the other fawns, Powell told MLive.com.

“Normally they have a black nose,” Powell said to Fox 17. “[A pink nose is] actually a detriment in the wild, because if they don’t have shade, their nose is very sensitive to the sun and can get sunburn.”

But little Dragon is being cared for with lots of love now. Powell and her family will continue to feed the little guy with a bottle until he’s ready to meet farm visitors and join in on the deer games.

Responses to "World rarest white-faced fawn, rejected by mother, finds new life"

  1. Anonymous says:

    The most Adorable fawn i ever saw! Well done to the rescuers. What a beaut!

  2. bmfilip says:

    Such a beautiful little fawn. I hope he has a long & healthy life. Thank you for sharing this .

  3. Most beautiful thing...

  4. Anonymous says:

    Would love to see a posting of this little guy when grown up.

  5. Well this baby be protected at all time from trophy hunters?

  6. assissi3 says:

    The most beautiful fawn I have ever seen. Thanks for caring for him and loving him.

  7. Anonymous says:

    thank goodness the fawn was not born in norther Michigan other wise it's head would have been mounted on a wall and ended up on face book hope it will be protected for the rest of its life such a beautiful animal

  8. Anonymous says:


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