
Norway's Polar Park allows visitors to get up close and personal with majestic wolves.

For their Howl Night, guests can spend the night amongst these mysterious animals as they howl beneath the moon (and even the Northern Lights). People can observe the wolves' habits, cuddle with them, and see them as they've never seen them before—all in a safe environment and without fear.

In the wild, wolves are inherently afraid of humans and this can cause them to lash out when they're stressed. As for Polar Park's animals, they were raised to enjoy the company of others and feel calm around humans. Visitors are welcome to use this rare, up-close setting as an opportunity to learn more about the welfare of these gorgeous creatures. (Source)

In Norway we find wolves mainly in the southeastern part of the country near the border with Sweden. However, individual animals roam very far and can in principle appear anywhere in the country. The species status is as critically endangered on the Norwegian Red List of species 2010.

An adult female wolf in Scandinavia weighs on average slightly over 30 kg and 50 kg male. The tail is relatively straight and are often down. In winter, the color of the coat is usually gray or greyish yellow, while the summer shifts to more greyish yellow and reddish brown.
Polar Park

Responses to "Norwegian Park Allows Visitors to Play with Wolves Under the Northern Lights"

  1. Unknown says:

    This is awesome! They are so beautiful! Love to hear them howling at the moon. My aunt and uncle had some on there property out in western Kansas when I was growing up.

  2. Unknown says:

    as amazing as this seems, it doesn't matter if their somewhat "tamed" o-o wolves are dangerous, and they go by instinct
    *Says the child who would probably glomp a random wild wolf if ever saw one XXDD *

  3. Unknown says:

    Beautiful photos! What a wonderful experience it would be to visit and interact with the wolves.

  4. Beautiful :) Im from Norway.......i would love to see the wolfs :)

  5. The concern over the wolves behavior is understandable but unnecessary. They are raised around humans and it is all carefully monitored. Look at Jim and Jamie Dutcher sometime, and the Sawtooth Wolf pack project. ;)

  6. Unknown says:

    Would love to come do this before I die

  7. Anonymous says:

    I want to come there!!! I adore wolves

  8. Morgana says:


  9. Lynn says:

    Im from califorina Im first Nation ,Native American and i have lived with wolves most of my life and raised 5 children and many of my 12 grandchildren with them. This is a beatiful program wish we had more like them in the US . Unfortunately wolves are still shot everyday by ignorant people who are scared or just for sport in the US .keep up the goodwork wish there were more people like you.

  10. how wonderful, wish I could go and have that experience as wolves are my very most favourite animals. Thank you for doing this. All the best.

  11. This is a wonderful idea.

  12. Helen says:

    I love wolves. I took my daughter to Shy Wolf Sanctuary in Naples, Florida a few years ago and we got to interact with the wolves. Wonderful experience. I would love to do this.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Madeleine Grayson, Jim and Jamie Dutcher didn't encourage the familiarity with wolves. They lived in an area as researchers to observe and the wolves eventually came to accept them as part of their habitat. There weren't many wolves, and they started to gather pups to attempt to build a pack and they were successful. That was research. Nowhere did they suggest that this current trend of raising pups to accept visiting humans was a good thing. Part of the mystique of wolves is that, in their natural habitat, they are shy and will avoid humans, which is as it should be.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I Love Wolves! I was raising husky wolves and had gotten one that was @ 95% Timber!! Best Animal! Very Loving and Loyal. Animals treat people the way People treat them!! Give them credit!! I would be in my Glory being able to be up there with the wolves. <3 <3

  15. Isabelle says:

    They fail to mention that they, as we speak, are in the progress of killing off most of the norwegian wolf population. This year's legal (???) hunt will kill 44 of Norways roundabout 80 wolves.

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