
Nancy Greifenhagen of Nancy G Photography is a stock and portrait photographer for over 12 years. Some of her specialty subjects include Native American Indians, Western imagery, Animals and Emergency Services.

We are glad to feature some Nancy's beautiful Native American photos with you. Here are some featured themes.

-A Native American Indian boy wearing a feather sharing a special moment with his horse
- A Native American woman worshiping the sun while standing in the river in South Dakota
-A Lakota woman lovingly caressing the head of her daughter wrapped in a blanket
-Horse whisperer: A Native American woman talking to her horse
-A Lakota mother and daughter sitting on a blanket in the grasses of South Dakota
-Horses running through a Native American village in South Dakota

 Photos Credit Nancy G Official Website 

Responses to "Lakota Traditional People Celebrated In Beautiful Photo Series By Nancy G"

  1. Awesome just all day and forever awesome!!!!

  2. Unknown says:

    Amazing and stunning work!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful work, thank you for sharing

  4. Anonymous says:

    Lovely. They are beautiful people!

  5. Amazing shots clear !!!

  6. Unknown says:

    Wonderfully powerful and moving.

  7. Unknown says:

    Super beautiful photos,Nancy G....good work! Nice to be able to see your work all the way over here in French Polynesia! Thanks!

  8. beautiful

  9. Unknown says:

    Thanks for these super beautiful photos!!!!! They came all the way here to French Polynesia..

  10. Beautiful pictures.

  11. Unknown says:

    Thank you for these beautiful photos of what life should be.

  12. Stunning, Heart-Touching Photos! ♥

  13. Beautiful! Keep feeding us with your wonderful photos.

  14. Unknown says:

    Just beautiful photography and portrait of traditions long sadly gone and harmony with nature .Thank You for sharing

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