
You'll cry happy tears watching a baby elephant chase little birds

 A teeny baby elephant living in Kruger National Park in South Africa was spotted trying to chase away a flock of swallows in the cutest way possible. Your brain can't handle this much sweetness.

It’s hard to say who wins the bout (though the birds sure look like they're holding their own), but there's no question about it. The wee elephant is a victor in our hearts.

The world-renowned Kruger National Park offers a wildlife experience that ranks with the best in Africa. Established in 1898 to protect the wildlife of the South African Lowveld, this national park of nearly 2 million hectares, SANParks - Kruger National Park is unrivalled in the diversity of its life forms and a world leader in advanced environmental management

Where nearly 2 million hectares of unrivalled diversity of life forms fuses with historical and archaeological sights - this is real Africa.
 (H/T Mashable)


Responses to "Baby elephant playing with birds will instantly brighten your day"

  1. Tanja says:

    Amazing! This made my day!!! Thank you.

  2. We all need to see wildlife like this - free, happy, doing what they do naturally.
    Doesn't it just make one smile -:) !!

  3. Seskenite says:

    Sweet little fellow!

  4. Lol that is to sweet❤ makes my heart smile ☺

  5. THIS is why I enjoy Facebook. To see videos just like this. And it certainly DOES brighten my day!

  6. Thanks for making me smile. :-)

  7. Morgana says:

    So adorable, so cute the joy of Nature.

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