No one knows how Iker, born just 10 days ago on a filthy and crowded meat farm in Spain, ended up with a leg shattered in two places. But because the farmer had no use for a baby goat needing extra care, he was going to kill Iker just days after he entered the world.
Then Iker had a stroke of luck. A family decided to take the little goat off the farmer's hands and contacted Leon Vegano Animal Sanctuary who teamed up with Mino Valley Farm Sanctuary to help save Iker's life.
Iker's first stop was Leon Vegano Animal Sanctuary, where a rescued tabby cat sensed the new baby animal was hurt.
Cody the cat stopped sleeping in his own bed to snuggle with Iker in his every night. Born on the street, Cody knows what it's like to be a survivor. After a surgery to help repair his shattered leg, Iker was brought to Mino Valley Sanctuary, where he started to meet the other rescued animals who will be Iker's new family. This will be Iker's forever home.
"He's a real sweetheart." Mino Valley Farm Sanctuary told The Dodo. "Although he may never walk normally, he is expected to make a full recovery."
A tiny goat was born into a world that wanted him dead. But then amazing humans and animals came together to help him survive.
Then Iker had a stroke of luck. A family decided to take the little goat off the farmer's hands and contacted Leon Vegano Animal Sanctuary who teamed up with Mino Valley Farm Sanctuary to help save Iker's life.
Iker's first stop was Leon Vegano Animal Sanctuary, where a rescued tabby cat sensed the new baby animal was hurt.
Cody the cat stopped sleeping in his own bed to snuggle with Iker in his every night. Born on the street, Cody knows what it's like to be a survivor. After a surgery to help repair his shattered leg, Iker was brought to Mino Valley Sanctuary, where he started to meet the other rescued animals who will be Iker's new family. This will be Iker's forever home.
"He's a real sweetheart." Mino Valley Farm Sanctuary told The Dodo. "Although he may never walk normally, he is expected to make a full recovery."
A tiny goat was born into a world that wanted him dead. But then amazing humans and animals came together to help him survive.
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