
Photographer Tailinh Agoyo believes that even though adults are destroying the earth, children will be the ones to fix the mess they’ve inherited.

The Warrior Project is a collection of images that portray indigenous children in a world where resources are becoming depleted, pollution is high and the earth is threatened. The children photographed are nurtured in a culture where the importance of honoring and protecting the earth is part of their DNA. They are not passive victims; they are budding change makers, activists, and empowered leaders. They are warriors of strength, knowledge and ancestral power.

The idea for the project came to Agoyo -– who has roots with the Blackfeet and Narragansett tribes -- while discussing environmental issues with her 11-year-old son. She said the pair decided it would be compelling to visually document “the effects of what we’re doing on the environment and what [the world] could look like when they get older and have children.”

Agoyo and her son headed out to a barren location with lots of “dirt and hills and broken down trees," and decided to shoot.

“We were shooting and talking about it, and this look came over his face. And as I was shooting I was like ‘oh my goodness.' He really absorbed all of the information and it’s reflecting on his face so strongly,” said Agoyo.


Responses to "Moving Photos Show Native American Children Defending The Earth"

  1. Unknown says:

    Loved the video. Yes,they are warriors of the land.

  2. Yes, we have borrowed this land from our children, so let us protect it!
    This is a beautiful way to remind all of us!

  3. Beautiful children ... Beautiful hearts ...

  4. jackie says:

    A profound reminder that our children for generations to come will "reap what we sow" on this earth, we need to protect it all.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Are children are my biggest dream to love mother earth the way she should be

  6. Unknown says:

    After hearing about the problems in Flint - it's more important than ever to be vigilent about protecting this earth for children

  7. Unknown says:

    Seulement 3 photos s'affichent ?? C'est la première fois que ça arrive je crois...

  8. BarbaraJo Guinn says:

    Refreshing to see our little Warriors keeping our traditions and excercising our beliefs. We need to preserve Mother Earth for future Generations. Mother Earth is crying out and striking BACK. Just look around.!!!

  9. Unknown says:

    I was wondering if I could get your permission to use some of your photos in my booklets and brochures? I am a child advocate with CTUIR in Oregon.

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