
If something is music to your ears, it's just what you want to hear. Once one wolf starts to howl, the others in the pack join in.

Wolves are known to keep wilderness habitat healthy for the forest ecosystem. The wolf is the keystone species because they cull out weakened prey species and maintain the deer and elk populations that forage on the understory vegetation of the forest.

Along rivers and streams, ungulates such as deer and elk do not graze as long due to the presence of wolves. This "ecology of fear" improves the health of the water systems in the forests and meadows.

Studies in Yellowstone National Park have demonstrated just how valuable a healthy wolf population is to having young trees to grow to middle age. Wolves were absent from Yellowstone National Park since 1927 when the last wolf was killed by bounty hunting. After wolves were re-introduced in 1995 (with much public controversy) the Yellowstone river was brought back to a healthier state.

The river bank has less erosion and supports more wildlife. More vegetation supports more beaver that have now damned up more streams and parts of the river. This results in cooler river temperatures and healthier fish. The increased vegetation also provides for a healthier bird and small animal habitat.


Responses to "The World's Best Wild Symphony From Gray Wolves (VIDEO)"

  1. Lee says:

    Utterly BEAUTIFUL sounds, enough to lull you to sleep......

  2. Peanut says:

    Just beautiful music to my ears.

  3. Unknown says:

    Amazing animals!!!! I could just sit there rest of my life and i will be happy as ever!!! Love wolfs and love their "music"

  4. i love them :-))))


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