
German photographer explains in his own words how he learned to take good photographs of his favorite subject, the wolves.

"The most important thing to me are happily combined subjects. For example, my love for animals has led me to become a photographer, but the combination of animals and the camera is a challenge for me.

You can't force an animal to do something. This is both an advantage and disadvantage. With animals there is no second chance nor can you really prepare for the shoot.

What good is great weather, the perfect backdrop and an excellent image detail, when the main character is taking a nap behind a tree.

All Images are the property of Michael Schönberger- Website

Speed and fast reflexes are needed here. A good camera and a fast lens is not absolutely necessary, but it simplifies the work immensely. To compensate for difficult animal shots, I also like to work with buildings or "models"." (Source)

Responses to "Man Who Runs With the Wolves"

  1. Anonymous says:

    what beautiful creatures.. you are so lucky to know them ...thanks for sharing..

  2. I love these pictures!

  3. Unknown says:

    faszinierende Geschöpfe <3 wunderschöne Aufnahmen

  4. Jerry says:

    This is wonderful to view.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I love the wolves!

  6. Anonymous says:

    such an honour to be invited and accepted in the realm of wolves ..

  7. Anonymous says:

    Раrely seen!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Very beautiful, thank you for sharing these amazing photos of the beloved wolf.

  9. Unknown says:

    God,they're beautiful.......

  10. Unknown says:

    God,they're beautiful.......

  11. Unknown says:

    Very beautiful work !

  12. Anonymous says:

    So much admiration do i have for these most beautiful of canines.

  13. schat says:

    Beautiful pictures. Love wolves!

  14. Anonymous says:

    He is a lucky man

  15. warman129 says:

    Wish I was younger to share these times Great Work

  16. Unknown says:

    Awe can I come work with you? My life's dream has always been to work with the wildlife

  17. Karen Richard says:

    such Beautiful pics Thank You for sharing with us ,, you r so lucky to be so close to the wolves i hope one day i can see them ..

  18. awsome pic...they are beautiful animals..

  19. Unknown says:

    Amazing photos

  20. Unknown says:

    Incredible trust & love from these wolves. Beautiful photos. More beautiful is the relation SD hip between these wolves and one man. Love to see this & photographs. Thank you for sharing.

  21. Unknown says:

    one of the most beautiful and misunderstood animals on the planet!!

  22. Hawk says:

    Amazing Photo's!!! Such Awesome Creatures and what and Awesome opportunity to photograph them like this and cuddle up to such Beautiful Animals!
    So lucky and fortunate!

  23. Nymph says:

    What a wonderful lifestyle and experience to run with the wolves, I envy him.... beautiful pictures, thank you!

  24. Rob-bear says:

    Amazing creatures; wonderful pictures.

  25. Unknown says:

    your a lucky man would give anything to be in your shoes

  26. These are beautiful photos. And you are so lucky to have this opportunity. Thank you for sharing these wolves with the world.

  27. How in the world does this man do it?..please share. Beautiful!

  28. Amazing pictures and such great relationships with these wolves! Beautiful

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