
Huge Sculpture Commemorating Choctaw Kindness Takes Shape in Ireland

Plans are underway to erect a sculpture that memorializes the aid that the Choctaw people sent to Ireland during the Great Irish Famine.

In 1847, the Choctaws pulled together copy70 to send to the starving Irish populace, a sum that is reckoned to be worth more than $5,000 today. The gift established a bond between the Choctaws and the Irish that is still recognized today. In 1992, a delegation from Ireland trekked a 500-mile path from Broken Bow, Oklahoma, to Nanih Waiya, Mississippi, following the route (in reverse) so many Choctaws had taken on the Trail of Tears in 1831. In 1995, Irish President Mary Robinson visited the Choctaw Nation, where she was made an honorary chief.

Now, a sculptor is creating a memorial near the southern Irish city of Cork to pay tribute to the suffering of the Irish and the kindness of the Choctaw.

Alex Pentek expects his "Kindred Spirits," an arrangement of nine massive stainless-steel feathers, to be completed a few months from now. It is to be installed in Bailic Park, in Midleton, County Cork.

Pentek explains on his website that the work is "an empty bowl symbolic of the Great Irish Famine formed from the seemingly fragile and rounded shaped eagle feathers used in Choctaw ceremonial dress."

According to Irish Central, the sculpture costs some copy00,000, and invitations have been extended to the leadership of the Choctaw Nation. Below are some images and a video courtesy Alex Pentek:


Responses to "Irish Town Builds Memorial to Thank Native Americans Who Helped During Famine"

  1. Anonymous says:

    What a beautiful bond between two nations.

  2. Unknown says:

    To recognize another's suffering and to respond as best you can is such a blessing. Thank you for sharing this little known story.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The gift showed the kind heart, and empathy of the beautiful Choctaws

  4. Unknown says:

    The sculpture itself is beautiful, the symbolic meaning touches the heart. I would love to visit this site someday!

  5. Mo Tingey says:

    Beautiful sculpture commemorating a beautiful deed

  6. Anonymous says:

    humanity at its best

  7. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for sharing this story. So few helped the Irish. What beautiful people the Choctaws must be and what a beautiful sculpture.

  8. Unknown says:

    What an amazing sculpture - I am proud to be Irish - thank you again to the Choctaw tribes for their humanity - they will never be forgotten now. The path between our nations will forever be present. In Love and Light.
    C. Nolan

  9. oliver Lupton says:

    There are many times when a kindness is most appreciated and it is from those with the least who have the heart to share that the meaning of life is experienced. A fitting tribute to a gentle people

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