
The idea of a wolf pack leader, usually called an alpha, who leads the pack by force and must fight off challengers to his position or die, is ingrained in our culture.

 For decades this was accepted as fact. However, this was based on research done on wolves in captivity; recent studies prove different.

When the old pack leader loses a challenge for dominance, he often becomes a beta wolf in the pack. Or he can also choose to become a lone wolf and live a solitary life. Lone wolves will generally hunt smaller animals.

Why do wolves howl? The howl of the wolf is one of nature’s most evocative and powerful sounds. The haunting chorus of wolves howling is beautiful – or frightening depending on one’s point of view. Wolves howl to communicate with one another. They locate members of their own pack by howling, and they often engage in a group howl before setting off to hunt. The howl is a clear warning to neighboring wolves to stay away.


Responses to "Elderly Wolf Howl Will Give You Goosebumps (Video)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    it sounds so sad as it gets older and lonley i hope the wolf does have company tho sad to be on your own when you need others to keep you safe too val of perth west australia

  2. Anonymous says:

    My Mother in Law raised wolves for a wolf habitat and rescue, she loved them with all her heart and would even give up family time to stay with the wolves if they were sick or in any danger during storms and such, when she passed away we went to carry out her wish of spreading some of her ashes around their area, after doing so, her oldest and closest to her, the Alpha male, sniffed the ground and raised his head and began to howl the longest and most sad howl anyone had ever heard from him, as though he were crying out for the loss of her, I got it on video, and to this day it still gives me goosebumps to listen to it. I have also always had a great love of wolves and my Mother in Law and I seemed to connect instantly through this love of these beautiful animals.

  3. Unknown says:

    I love wolves such a beautiful animal!! Would like to work with Wolves...Would like to see that video or hear the howl..

  4. Unknown says:

    Its like the loneliest sound in the world .I to would like to hear or see the video

  5. Unknown says:


  6. Unknown says:

    I love wolves.They are such beautiful animals.

  7. Anonymous says:

    "My Mother in Law raised wolves for a wolf habitat and rescue, she loved them with all her heart and would even give up family time to stay with the wolves if they were sick or in any danger during storms and such, when she passed away we went to carry out her wish of spreading some of her ashes around their area, after doing so, her oldest and closest to her, the Alpha male, sniffed the ground and raised his head and began to howl the longest and most sad howl anyone had ever heard from him, as though he were crying out for the loss of her, I got it on video, and to this day it still gives me goosebumps to listen to it. I have also always had a great love of wolves and my Mother in Law and I seemed to connect instantly through this love of these beautiful animals." This posted by '
    Anonymous' touched my heart so much it made me cry just reading it. I want you to know that this is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. What a wonderful woman she must have been and how sweet of you to recognize that. Bless you and her.

  8. Anonymous says:

    If I had a big enough place I would love to raise wolves.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I am native American the wolf as you know is my brother, being a Vietnam veteran i have many hurts and have become elderly. My Alaskan Husky is the closest friend she has so many wolf way,s that most do not understand, the loyalty the respect that we show each other is awesome. She is my therapy animal spending time with them can heal you emotionally and it gives strength as well. Ward,s can not tell all that viewing the photo,s on this site does for me. I grew up in Montana along the Clark Fork rive where the Wolf reserve is these day,s. I miss walking the mountains as i did growing up with all the wild thing,s there. Now this tired warrior is resting and looking on as other,s walk the trail,s i once walked.

  10. Unknown says:

    I had a neighbor who raised half wolf half Alaskan Husky. They kept getting out and beating up the neighbors dog so the guy shot all his animals. I didn't know who to call when I heard him shooting them. He hid their bodies in the woods behind his house.

  11. Unknown says:

    It wasn't 1 or 2, It was 8 he killed.

  12. Unknown says:

    I also welled with tears in my eyes reading your post regarding your mother. She was obviously as connected with the wolves as deep as theyre connection for her. Myself having lakota sioux ancestory and having the honour of the wolf being my spirit animal can closely relate to this connection and consider this as a true honour. I love all wolves deeply and every time i hear the howl of this sacred animal my soul cries for them as man continually disrespects them. We MUST fight for them and protect them so they are free from human harm in any way.

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