
Talibah Begay translates & performs a song from her new album with Canyon Records, "Walk in Beauty," that is sung in Navajo.

Talibah Begay is a fresh young voice representing the Navajo people. Her children�s songs reflect the traditions of her people especially respect for elders.

Sung in Navajo and English. Talibah songs are for fun as well as to teach the lasting values of the Navajo

TALIBAH BEAGAY, Traditional Songs

Talibah is of the red bottom clan, born for the salt clan, with paternal grandparents of the towering house clan, and maternal grandparents of the red running into the water clan.

In her recordings of traditional songs you can hear the inspiration and influence of her elders.


Responses to "Navajo Singer Performs "Walk In Beauty" In Navajo (Video)"

  1. Native American music is so spiritual and makes me feel so peaceful. Beautiful, Talibah!

  2. Unknown says:

    Beautiful young lady who is honoring the ancestors. Gonna buy her cd.

  3. Unknown says:

    Beautiful! Yaw^ko....

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