
“In John Ferry’s captivating documentary the viewer is yanked head and heart...this is the Sitting Bull few people know.” - Carole Levine, Native American Times

Told mostly in his own words from speeches and printed interviews Sitting Bull gave, and through the use of over 600 vintage photographs and images.

For historical accuracy Lillimar Pictures engaged Robert M. Utley, one of the most respected historians of the American West and author of The Lance and the Shield: The Life and Times of Sitting Bull, and Donald Fixico PhD, Distinguished Professor of American Indian History and prominent Native American, to serve as historical advisors on the film.

THE GREAT LAKOTA SIOUX CHIEF was a spiritual leader, medicine man, humanist and diplomat. This award-winning films tells his remarkable story, creating an intimate and vivid account told extensively through his own words.

Journey through his life as he becomes warrior and chief, fights the army and is the last of his people to surrender to life on the reservation. The life and times of the great Lakota chief Sitting Bull. An intimate in-depth portrait of one of America's great historical figures.


Responses to "Remarkable Story of the Great Lakota Chief Sitting Bull: A Stone in My Heart (VIDEO)"

  1. Wish I Could See The WHOLE Story :(

  2. This Was Pretty Good Video Native America before European Colonization

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