
California raccoon gets head stuck in a drain cover and has to be freed with a grinder

 A raccoon in Soquel that found itself in an uncomfortable situation after getting its head stuck in a metal drain cover was rescued and released back into nature Sunday, wildlife rescue crews said.

The adult male raccoon was found trapped in the drain cover Sunday morning in the 3000 block of Crestline way.

The Santa Cruz Animal Shelter called Wildlife Emergency Services for assistance in freeing the raccoon from the metal drain cover.

Dr. Chad Alves, a veterinarian with Wildlife Emergency Services, sedated the raccoon, allowing the rescue crew to cut the metal from around the animal's neck.

After about 20 minutes, the raccoon was successfully freed from the grate.

The veterinarian tended to the raccoon's superficial wounds. The raccoon was later given grapes, watermelon, and water while it recuperated.

The raccoon slept off the sedative and was then returned to its natural habitat at about 8:30 p.m.


Responses to "Raccoon rescued after getting head stuck in metal drain (VIDEO)"

  1. Fili says:

    That was so great to see the different agencies working together to save this poor raccoon. Thank you all for saving him. Thank you for sharing this.

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