
“People tend to think of us as buffalo people, but really, we are horse people, too. That got lost and is coming back, and we want to document that,” said Jim Cortez, the film’s editor of “We Are A Horse Nation.”

The trailer for “We Are A Horse Nation” has audiences calling for more. Still photographs from the film prove there is plenty to look forward to in this new documentary. Now in its final production stages, “Horse Nation” is expected to be completed by November for entrance into film festivals.

The film is the result of the efforts of Keith Brave Heart, social marketing manager of Tiwahe Glu Kini Pi, and Jim Cortez, who heads the media department at Sinte Gleska University in Rosebud, South Dakota. They started shooting the documentary last winter.

“We wanted to have a film that was told by the people—from the little kids all the way to elders—with all of their different stories about what the horse as a relative means to them. We wanted a film that stays away from the poverty, that has a good sense of humor. We wanted to show the profound beauty and the spirit that is still here; it’s about the horse and the people whose lives are touched by them,” Cortez said.

“The relationship with the horse changed with the boarding schools,” Brave Heart said. “The cowboys were “breaking” horses, and it became a time when we were being broken ourselves. Now we see the honoring Memorial Rides, the Dakota 38 plus two, Wounded Knee, and you can see that people are bringing the horse back to the homelands.”


Responses to " ‘Horse Nation’ Documentary Explores Lakota Culture, Horse Relatives (VIDEO)"

  1. Patricia says:

    I would hope this film would be available for us, the general public. I have so much respect for the horse and your culture.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I feel great happiness that Lakota are again becoming a great Horse Nation, because they truly were. The Lakota people and their horses were legendary and I hope this film will be made available for all to see and understand why a horse so intelligent and loving would give its life for its people.

  3. Anonymous says:


  4. Anonymous says:

    Loved this want the dvd.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I am very eager to see this!!! Thank you.

  6. Anonymous says:

    make a full length
    documentary--90 min.

  7. Anonymous says:

    This sounds like a very good video. Would buy it.

  8. countrygirl says:

    Their website has info for purchasing a DVD, or for renting or downloading the documentary.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I really think this very well done and I also see you are very good at your art of making films . Thank you for making this real , Clint Rides His Horse .

  10. Unknown says:

    Made me think of horses in a different way. My relative.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Wonderful! ❤️💙💜💛

  12. Anonymous says:

    How do I watch it?

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