
This Boxer Pup Has Found The Perfect Way To Beat The Heat This Summer

If only we could all be as content as this boxer puppy with her water fountain on a hot summer's day.

Watch as she figures out how to get the water out, and then she can't be stopped! Can we get one of these?

Never mind heat wave, how's this for a brain wave: an Illinois-based design company has created a paw-activated water fountain for dogs.

The Doggie Fountain, dubbed Koolinator, attaches to a standard garden hose and provides thirsty pets with a supply of fresh running water to help them keep cool in hot weather.

It can also be used in place of a water bowl to make sure your pets are not left without a drink when you're at work, especially with the hot temperatures set to continue.

You simply fit the fountain to your garden hose and adjust the pressure so the water height is just right for your dog.

When he/she gets thirsty (or bored) the water is accessed by stepping on the metal plate. Too easy. Not sure about the need for the rather large paw print – unless dogs recognize what a cartoon image of the underside of their foot looks like. (Source)


Responses to "Puppy dog loves her new water fountain (VIDEO)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    I Love it! HA!Ha ...... We had a boxer when we were children, & she was a great friend, and this video brings it back...Hilarious!!!!!

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