
A Mama Duck Turned To Some Humans For Help. What They Did Next Will Melt Your Heart.

"In a rare rescue operation in Garden Grove on Wednesday, animal control officers came to the aid of about a dozen ducklings stuck in a storm drain.

The drama unfolded at Lampson Avenue and West Street.

Rescuers arrived to find the mother duck frantically pacing around the drain opening.

Officers were able to scoop the 14 ducklings into a box, which was lowered through a manhole.

The mother duck followed animal control officers to a pond where she was reunited with her babies."


Responses to "Officers came to the aid of about a dozen ducklings (Video)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    That is so beautiful. And what it is supposed to be all about.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Unless it rained, she picked a good spot to lay her eggs. Just didn't look far enough ahead. Maybe she is related to a politician. Good rescue !!!!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    That is so sweet that the mom duck knows how to ask for help and now she has her baby's back safe thank you

  4. Anonymous says:


  5. margaret says:

    Earth angels at their best thank you :-)

  6. Anonymous says:

    Just goes to show there ARE VERY CARING people out There! GRRREAT JOB!!!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment

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