
In the quick clip by Hikeart, a man frees a baby deer stuck in a metal gate. The fawn quickly runs to its mama after being freed.

Be sure and watch to the end to see the fawn reunite with her mother who anxiously watched the rescue!

How to Rescue a Fawn

Leave the fawn where it is when you find it. Do not take the fawn home. The mother is close by and your presence is keeping her away from her baby. Stay as far away from the fawn as possible so the mother can return to it.

Check the spot the next day and chances are good the fawn will be gone. You might find the fawn is still in the same general area but is moved to another spot. This does not mean the fawn is alone. Often the mother settles her baby in the same area for several days, just moving it a few feet.


Responses to "Mama Deer Watches as Kind Hearted Man Rescues Her Fawn "

  1. dynah says:

    It is the simple kindnesses....

  2. Anonymous says:

    Thank you :)

  3. Anonymous says:

    Who ever you are who did this. Thank you for your kindness! <3

  4. Anonymous says:

    thank you whoever you can be so quick, easy, and dont take a lot of time and it can change somebodys life into this case Mama and Baby deers life

  5. Anonymous says:

    Your A Beautiful Soul. DNT Change.

  6. bmfilip says:

    That was so kind of you to save the little fawn. Thank you

  7. Anonymous says:

    More people should take the time to help! You are a good man!

  8. Anonymous says:

    THANK YOU ~~

  9. Anonymous says:

    The mother acts like she isn't too sure that is her baby.

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