
Victor (Adam Beach) shows Thomas (Evan Adams) how to be a real Indian.

Film Description: This dramatic feature was written, directed, and co-produced by Native Americans. Native American writer Sherman Alexie scripted this adaptation of his 1993 short story collection The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven. Director Chris Eyre's previous short Someone Kept Saying Powwow is incorporated into the 88-minute feature.

Developed at the Sundance Lab in 1995, the film was a winner of both the Audience Award and the Filmmakers' Trophy at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival. In 1976, an infant survives a fire that kills his parents.

In a flash forward to the present day, the infant has grown up to become the skinny, nerdy adult Thomas (Evan Adams). At Idaho's desolate Coeur d'Alene Indian reservation, the overeager youth is mostly ignored by others, including stoic athletic Victor Joseph (Adam Beach), even though it was Victor's father, alcoholic Arnold Joseph (Gary Farmer), who saved the infant Thomas' life in the fire.

Producer: Sherman Alexie, Roger Baerwolf, Carl Bressler, Larry Estes, Chris Eyre, Brent Morris, Scott M. Rosenfelt, David Skinner, Randy Suhr


Responses to "How to be a Real Indian - Smoke Signals Movie Clip (VIDEO)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    I never realized that was Adam & I have watched that movie so many times

  2. Unknown says:

    I wonder why Canadians are more popular than Americans. Adam Beach: 77 credits, Michael Spears: 18 credits.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I LOVE this movie!...<3

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