
Meal Time for Baby Squirrel at City Wildlife

Before squirrels grow up to become those creatures that dart out in front of cars, raid picnic tables and occasionally attack people posing for squirrel selfies, they are babies.

Adorable, fuzzy babies.

In the video, a rescued baby squirrel drinks from a bottle at City Wildlife, a wild animal rescue center in Washington, D.C.

Clinic director Alicia DeMay feeds the squirrel and, like any loving mom with a messy baby, wipes the little critter's milky mouth with a napkin.

Spring is a busy time at the center as baby animals fall from their nests and get brought in for care before being sent back into the wild, according to the description on the video.

City Wildlife made news last month when it shared a picture of a cute baby squirrel who broke a leg and was given an appropriately adorable cast. (Source)

Meal Time for Baby Squirrel at City Wildlife from Tim Persinko on Vimeo.
 After breakfast (Source)

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