Heroic Firefighter Saves Traumatized Baby Squirrel With Oxygen Mask
The videos, shot by an eyewitness and subsequently posted on YouTube, shows both the car fire and the baby squirrel being given oxygen. The Ann Arbor Fire Department posted the videos on their officials Facebook page Friday.
The baby squirrel was noticed underneath the car after firefighter extinguished the blaze, according to Ann Arbor fire Battalion Chief Robert Vogel. After receiving oxygen, the baby squirrel was reunited with its mother, who was nearby.
Crews were first called to reports of a car fire around 4 p.m. April 2 in the 3300 block of Braeburn Circle.
"The mother squirrel was near the vehicle waiting for the baby to escape," Vogel said. "Firefighters were able to save the baby."
Kudos to the firemen way to go
Real heroes take the time for all forms of life.
Wonderful,well done guys!
Now that's what real heroes look like
I agree a real hero ..imagine a world full of real heroes wouldn't it be wonderful