
These baby bats, all orphans, are being taken care of by a wonderful woman a few select volunteers in Australia. Once they’re old enough and strong enough, they’ll be released back into the wild to live full, happy lives.

From the description on the video:

“Trish Wimberley looks after hundreds of orphaned baby bats and rears them until they can be released into the wild. It’s a tireless, never ending job which keeps her awake all hours (she apparently went 3 nights without sleeping once). A typical day may include feeding (the food is about $1000 a week), health checks, doing their laundry (the dryer and washing machine electricity bill costs up to $8000 every 3 or 4 months!), bat transportation for release — everything they need in order to survive.

You’d think she’d need an army of people to help but she makes do with only a few loyal volunteers. It just goes to show, motherhood can transcend between all species and Trish is happy playing that role to assist a creature that is vital to the Australian ecosystem.

This video only shows a small section of the hospital. As the bats get ready to return to the wild they are moved to soft release exhibits.”


Responses to "Orphaned Baby Bats Nursed to Perfect Health (Video)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    That is to cook! most hear the word bat and tink of blood suckers not cute little animals !!

  2. Anonymous says:

    So cute, like puppies with wings.

  3. katbatty says:

    Just adorable!!!!

  4. katbatty says:

    Just Adorable!!!

  5. When I first glanced at the headline, I thought it "Orphaned Bay Rats Nursed to Perfect Health," and I confess that I said to myself, "Just what we need...a story of orphaned baby rats!" I mean,...what's the big deal? But then, upon closer inspection, I saw that it really said "...Baby Bats..."! And they are cute little buggers!

  6. Maija says:

    I love bats!

  7. willows says:

    why are so many orphaned

  8. Dibo says:

    divine, beautiful, here in my country are still in a state of freedom, and eat fruits

  9. Anonymous says:

    Precious!!!! I love Bats!!!!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Baby Flying Foxes! That's one name for them. I believe they are fruit bats. Cutest bats on the planet! So nice to see someone going all out to help them make it!

  11. Anonymous says:

    O si yo. I've just ready the story of the baby bats. My heart was most touched. The Great Spirit made these wonderful animals for a reason. My heart us happy that this wonderful story came to be, to learn, teach educate and to be givin the opportunity to fulfill the reason the Great Spirit made them for. Wado to the people who saved their lives for the Great Spirit looks down with much love, as well as I do!! LONEWOLF

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