
This video shows the dynamics of the Exhibit as yearlings begin maturing into adults. Aidan has a very definitive response to Boltz's testing behavior. The video also shows the effects of old age on the retirees as Shadow struggles to hit the high pitched rally howls.

Ritual dominance behavior among wolves can be very intense, but rarely results in injuries to the animals.

Like a family, the Wolf pack is a social unit. The pack consists of the breeding pair, or parents, called the alphas and their daughters, sons, sisters, and brothers. The alphas are not always the biggest Wolves in the pack, but are generally the toughest and most respected. Wolf packs have from two to an undetermined number of individuals.

The average Wolf pack consists of four to seven individuals, with packs having as many as thirty-six members documented, and packs having over fifty members rumored about. In Europe, Wolf packs are smaller, having just three or four Wolves each.

The pack is led by the alpha male and/or female. The term "alpha" was coined in 1974 by Rudolph Schenkel, a Swiss animal behaviorist. The alpha male usually controls the activities of the other Wolves in the pack, but occasionally a very strong female who has usurped control from him. The pack structure benefits Wolves greatly in places where they may act unrestricted by human beings. As the old saying goes, "there is power in numbers," and this especially comes into play when Wolves hunt as a group or collectively care for and teach their puppies.


Responses to "Amazing Video Shows Ritual dominance behavior among wolves"

  1. Unknown says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    I'm trying to learn as much as I can about wolves as I love them so much. I have never had my dream come true of seeing a wolf in the flesh but! one day I hope.

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