
A smaller relative of the grey wolf, the red wolf is one of the rarest canids in the world.

Reproduction Breeding season is once per year, January through March. 1 - 9 pups are born 63 days later in April or May. Their eyes open at about 10 days, and it is another few weeks before the sire and dam allow the pups to emerge from the den.

Pups remain with their parents until they find a mate of their own, usually at about 2 years of age. Red wolves are generally monogamous, and will remain with the same mate for many years.

The red wolf is an umbrella species. Ecosystems which support and conserve Red Wolves are likely ecosystems which maintain a diversity of other wildlife, plants, habitat and landscape features. This creates a balanced ecosystem, its predators included, which means relatively healthy prey populations (deer, etc.) available for hunting, wildlife viewing and outdoor recreation, diversity and other functions on the landscape.

In the same respect, red wolves help control over-population of prey species. There is data showing evidence that sea turtles’ hatching success increases when there are lower numbers of nest raiders like raccoons.

Duke University has a research study, in partnership with Defenders of Wildlife, evaluating “ecosystem services” - air and water purification, flood control, climate regulation and plant pollination - provided by conserving red wolf habitat in North Carolina.


Responses to "Amazingly Cute Two-Week-Old Red Wolf Pups Enjoying An Afternoon (Video)"

  1. Fili says:

    Aww they are so beautiful...

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