
This past Sunday there were many devastating tornadoes that struck the Midwest states of Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. One town in Illinois was hit particularly hard - Washington. It was virtually wiped off the map with houses and businesses being leveled.

Jon Byler Dann, survived the devastating tornado that struck Washington, Ill., that day by laying down in the basement clutching his four children – ages 8, 5, 2½ and 1½. Sadly, a very important member of the family was still in harm's way.

Before the storm, as debris started to hit his house, Jon had tried to coax the family dog, Maggie, into the safe room. But Maggie being very skittish had refused to leave her kennel. When he came up from the basement after the storm he found that his home of five years had been destroyed above him. Maggie was also missing and Jon assumed that his beloved dog was dead.

Almost 30 hours later, when they were searching through all that was left of his home, family and friends heard a faint bark coming from beneath where they were standing. They immediately started digging and discovered Maggie was buried beneath the rubble, wrapped in a piece of carpeting.

Jon burst into tears upon see Maggie who was shivering, filthy and in obvious pain. But she was alive. After giving her water, his friends arranged to drive her to a local veterinarian's office. Maggie is being treated for a dislocated hip, but is expected to be okay. Jon has had the 11-year-old sheltie since she was only 4 months old.

“I felt intense relief and elation but also just panic," Jon says of finding Maggie alive. "I'm very thankful and blessed to have my wife and my children. And finding my dog today was just unreal."

Responses to "Illinois man finds his missing dog alive, buried in the rubble from a tornado. (Photos)"

  1. ♥wonderfulness♥

  2. Anonymous says:


  3. Anonymous says:

    bravo you are a good man salutations of france

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hey Jon glad to hear about your dog.Not glad to hear about the triffilng sisuation you all are in.

  5. Anonymous says:

    well done for returning to look for her, I'll bet she's just as glad to be back with such a loving famly. Best of luck for your future

  6. Anonymous says:

    So happy you found your friend

  7. Anonymous says:

    Quelle desolation,c'est un veritable miracle,bonne chance a vous !!!!!!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    God bless all of you..god be with all of you..My heart is breaking for you and your whole town..iam so glad you found your dog..they are family and like are kids..hope she recovers fast poor thing..

  9. Anonymous says:


  10. Anonymous says:

    so glad you Found her...I have a female shelt as well..

  11. Anonymous says:

    I have 2 shelties of my own. I would be lost and confused if I lost my baby too. I am so glad Miss Maggie was found in your home. She tried too fight too protect your home... The love you have was so powerful you all made it. Bless you all for making it.

  12. Anonymous says:

    When we loose everything we really don't realize how complete and thankful we are & finding Maggie made your family complete. God bless you and your family Jon. and the many others in your community who also lost everything....

  13. Anonymous says:

    what such a happiness for this puppy. Thank you so much for her to rescue her and give her a new home with I'm sure a lot of love. Merci beaucoup pour elle.

  14. Anonymous says:

    A great feel good story. Love it. Makes me feel very bad for the people who lost a dear one but it does give hope. Truly a lovely story.

  15. Anonymous says:

    So glad you found your beloved pet. Hug her. Blessing and healing prayers for you and your family. Mississippi

  16. Unknown says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  17. Unknown says:

    'm happy you are safe and the four legged family member is found and being treated. My best wishes for you. EVE

  18. Anonymous says:

    is there some way to help with Maggies vet bill???? please post, thank you

  19. Joyous news ! Luck to all the family and Maggie be always !!!

  20. Anonymous says:

    So glad to hear about Maggie being safed and reunited with her humanly pack. Maggie reminds me at my wee sheltie-lass Momo. Best whishes to Jon and his family.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Wonderful story! I'm so glad they are together again and Maggie is going to be okay. :)

  22. Diana Jones Bradley Brown says:

    I'm so glad Maggie was found. She's a very special dog. Glad the whole family is together again :)

  23. Anonymous says:

    Happy to hear you and your family plus your dog is Alive. That is such wonderful news.

  24. Anonymous says:

    very heart-warming story. Brought tears to my eyes. So happy for you, your family, and of course, Maggie

  25. Mep says:

    My heart goes out to all those effected by these terrible storms. It is hard enough to loose everything you have but just as devastating to loose your family and pets are included in family. This is heartwarming to hear. At least the family in its entirety is alive and reunited. Prayers for all those that were not so fortunate.

  26. Anonymous says:

    what a wonderful news. I feel so happy for both of them ... how wonderful, wonderful ....

  27. Anonymous says:

    So sorry to hear of all the pain, suffering, and loose that everyone there has had to endure. Words from others are never enough to touch and ease one's pain at these times, but know that you all are in our hearts and prayers. We recently lost two of our three pets, that my children had had since they were little. Though my kids are now in college, you still want to protect them from pain and grief: That look on your face when you first held your dog, I know that feeling. Hoping and praying that you can spare your kids just a little pain in all that has happened!! God bless and keep you all.

  28. Unknown says:

    No words to cover the loss and suffering for the many people. So glad you and your family are safe and most of all you found Maggie alive. Very few people understand the true love and dedication of a pet that is a family member. May all of your lives be long and happy. Give Maggie a kiss.

  29. aletta trego says:

    we ,in the east send love and prayers,what a story ,happy magie was found

  30. Anonymous says:

    So sweet! So very happy Maggie was found. I have 2 little Chihuahuas & there my babies & bed partners!

  31. menro says:

    Wonderful to see !! Blessings from The Netherlands.

  32. Anonymous says:


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