
The magnificent animal sculptures made entirely from Pipe Cleaners

When one thinks of animals made of pipe cleaners it is usually in stick figure form. But artist Lauren Ryan from California takes it to a completely different level. She makes the pipe cleaner animals in her workshop and has been practicing since she was 12. Lauren uses only pipe cleaners and strictly no glue, as she considers it cheating.

Lauren has managed to make life-like animals using nothing but pipe cleaners, felt-tip pens and a few plastic buttons. Her animals are incredibly detailed with wonderful expressions on them and are very realistic. In fact several of her works are able to move about thanks to special hinges she has woven into their bodies, and the flexible material they are made from.

Lauren has a huge passion for animals, and uses her creativity and her artistic talent to make sculptures of some of her favorite exotic and endangered species. She has woven animals from Okapi, deer-like mammals found in central Africa, to a Thylacine, the world's largest carnivorous marsupial which is thought to be extinct.

Lauren begins by building a basic skeleton from the chenille stems, the technical name for pipe cleaners, before gradually building up the layers by weaving others on top to create the full sized sculptures. She describes her technique, 'Usually the more detail required, the tighter an area becomes. I generally use the most common pipecleaner size, around 6mm wide, 12 inches long, found in most stores. I sort of just smooth them down with my fingers so the wires don't show, and they are tightly woven together.'

When she is finished her creations are very lifelike. Enjoy the photos of some of them below.

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Responses to "California Artist creates realistic wild animals out of pipe cleaners (Photos)"

  1. Anonymous says:

    I love these. Wish they where here in TN. I would go out and by them

  2. Anonymous says:

    Simply beautiful! ! Keep up the good work. Do you sell you art work! If so, I am native American and would like to purchase the wolf. .

  3. Unknown says:

    I wish I knew how to do this!!! These are amazing!!!!

  4. Unknown says:

    These are amazing and beautiful, I can't believe how realistic they are...incredible talent. I love them. Do you sell any of your work?

  5. Unknown says:

    Amazing work such a talented person xxx

  6. Anonymous says:

    blown away! so lifelike! such talent. that Wolf is awesome - so realistic.

  7. Anonymous says:

    So Very Awesome!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Great and amazing work! Very impressive!

  9. Valerie / ucumari says:

    These are amazing! Do you sell them? Would LOVE a polar bear!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Who'd have thought ??? Pipe Cleaners?? They are beautiful. Hope to hear more about these :O)

  11. Anonymous says:

    You are a genius! Amazing art!

  12. Anonymous says:

    I am so impressed! They're absolutely wonderful! I so wish I could by one.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I would seriously buy a lifesize or slightly smaller than lifesize wolf off you they are so beautiful and so lifelike to every detail.

  14. LVS says:

    Absolutely amazing and so beautiful. I love the wolf and polar bear. Wow!

  15. Anonymous says:

    WOW! Such a talented young lady!

  16. Lisa says:

    Your art is amazing! Never seen anything like this, I love the wolf & the polar bear!

  17. corinna says:

    You are so talented!! Very unique and beautiful work you have created, love it (:

  18. These are beautiful!

  19. Anonymous says:

    beatyiful. never seen this before

  20. Anonymous says:

    So creative and beautiful! Some people are so crafty and talented.

  21. Anonymous says:

    How can you purchase these

  22. Anonymous says:

    These are totally awesome, the wolves are just gorgeous.

  23. Anonymous says:

    They are so beautiful.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I would love to purchase a wolf too! Just beautiful! What a gift has been given to you!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Simply amazing work you do, continue to make these with passion, :-)

  26. Peggy-Sue says:

    Talent, Thank You! I love the Wolf. Fabulous Job, absolutely FABULOUS <3

  27. Anonymous says:

    Absolutely magnificent!! So real looking. How long does it take to make one of these? Can't even put a price tag on the uniqueness of this gorgeous work! Just love the wolf!! Keep up you're amazing talent!! <3

  28. Anonymous says:

    these are amazing!!! you must have so much talent I really want to buy one because I am an animal lover! trust me I have a kitten 2 gerbils a frog and 7 fish. please tell me if I could buy one

  29. Anonymous says:

    wow. just wow. i'm speechless.

    but i would love to buy one.

  30. Anonymous says:

    very good talent

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