
Past the mighty Inca empire, various cultures developed their science , art and customs to astonishing degrees before being relegated to oblivion, swallowed by the passage of centuries and the splendor of the peoples who succeeded them. In the hands of most recent archaeological research will travel through time and history to show the mysteries of these brilliant civilizations.

So, will visit the ceremonial centers of Tiahuanaco culture developed in the sixth century AD in the region of the plateau, whose enigmatic sculptures and constructive forms baffle archaeologists and specialists. Today observatories shamans use their mystical rites who worship the sun by burning charms.

In the Peruvian coast, dominated by arid dunes and stifling atmosphere, find hundreds of canals built by the Chimu culture to sustain its irrigation. The Chimu civilization formed a complex witness whose heyday was the city of Chan-Chan. This settlement, built with clay soils in the eleventh century , was the most populated city in the world at the time, it reached 100,000. By observing archaeological finds, pieces of pottery and jewelery, discover the ties that still bind this cutura with the Peru Current , as is the use of " reed horses ", small boats, like those surfboards, the residents of the coastal area still use for fishing.

The Temples or archaeological sites in the thousands, but, unfortunately, are plundered by looters, who accompany, covered at night, in one of his clandestine excavations. The fruits of their plunder is sold pre-Columbian art dealers and shamans, who use fetishes in religious ceremonies in which usual intake mescaline in a preparation which they call "San Pedro ".

When we flew over the Pampa del Ingenio are revealed and lines drawings that remain carved in the floor. They are a little overwhelming and mark sundown constituting the world's largest astronomical book.

Finally, we can not miss the most important site of America in recent times: the tomb of the Lord of Sipan, which Walter Alba, archaeologist who directed the excavation, will talk extensively.

Responses to "The precursors of the Inca ( Documentary)"

  1. pfkisa says:

    thank you for leading me to this movie. I have a friend who is a great healer, who spent years with current-day Inca elders, and I got blown away by what he shared with me about the enormous spiritually-gifted "powers" their ancestors had. It took my mind some time to understand what he was telling me, as I am pretty critical, and these things are not in my normal realm of understanding.

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