
Debbie DiCarlo of Richfield, Ohio, is a longtime nature photographer. Recently one of her photos of a coyote mother and her pups howling started to make the rounds of the internet due to the perfection of the shot. The photo generated a lot of conversation amongst other photographers as to whether or not it was taken in a staged setting in a museum or actually in a real outdoor setting.

Debbie was tracked down and asked about her capture of a quintessential moment. This is how she responded to that, "I was attending a photography workshop two weekends ago in Hinckley, Minnesota, where I had the opportunity to take photos of adorable baby animals," she wrote in an email to The Huffington Post. "The coyotes were so playful and fun and when the adult started to howl, the glee in the faces of the pups was undeniably cute. My camera was clicking so fast I was worried about it overheating!"

Debbie actualy started taking pictures in the 1960’s as a fun hobby with a simple Kodak Instamatic camera that used film cartridges and magicubes. It wasn't until the 1970’s, that she bought my first film SLR, took some classes, and then set out to master black and white photography.

Back then she found herself really enjoying shooting images of the people in my life, my travels and the beauty that she found in the nature. Her chosen medium was black and white images so she ended up spending many hours processing images in a darkroom.

But soon she began raising her family, so she took a twenty-year hiatus. It was after this that she bought her first digital SLR and began photographing again. Although she still enjoys shooting people, she is more inspired by the beauty of nature -- the plants, animals, landscapes. Sunrise and mornings are her favorite times to shoot; when the earth is bathed in a beautiful, warm glow and the images illicit an emotional reaction. Enjoy some of her beautiful photos below of her wildlife subjects.

Debbie DiCarlo Photography Website 
Debbie DiCarlo Facebook

Responses to "The Amazing wildlife photos taken by Ohio photographer, Debbie Dicarlo"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Ms. DiCarlo has amazing talent.

  2. Dana says:

    Stunning shots!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Loved every shot! Great talent here!

  4. Unknown says:

    Fabulous animals. Fabulous photos

  5. What a truly inspirational set of photos - being a wolf fan its hard for a picture to express a true passion of the animal you are photographing but Debbie has captured this with ease. Hats off to a wonderful skill and talent and keep up the fantastic work !

  6. Unknown says:

    Awesome !

  7. Unknown says:

    Beautiful Story of such beautiful and wonderful animals

  8. Anonymous says:

    The soul of the animals has been captured in all the photos taken. You are truly a great artist. These pictures are so beautiful.

  9. I notice that Debbie completely sidestepped the question as to whether these were captive or wild animals.
    Ethical wildlife photographers disclose such information.

  10. Unknown says:

    Very Nice <3

  11. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful, very good work.

  12. petic says:

    merci pour les belle photo merci beaucoup j adore

  13. petic says:
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  14. Unknown says:

    What a truly inspirational set of photos - being a wolf fan its hard for a picture to express a true passion of the animal you are photographing but Debbie has captured this with ease. Hats off to a wonderful skill and talent and keep up the fantastic work !

  15. Every one a winner!

  16. Unknown says:

    GREAT !! Pictures

  17. Anonymous says:

    these pictures are amazing,keep up taking good shots,well done,

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